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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    saudi arabia
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    Employment intention

    Hi guys;

    I think this will be an exciting topic and i am sure that u will help me on this guys. We are thinking of employing a guy who has knowledge in refrigeration. Well speaking precisely about a refrigeration engineer who can help us in selling refrigeration spare parts, (refrigeration + sales) engineer. I heard that hiring refrigeration engineers is not cheap but what i am worrying about is How do i know that this is the right guy ? What education field is right ? Good certificates to consider ? And when interviewing by phone or personally, How can i get the impression that he is the right one from ? I am an engineer and i really appreciate the work of good engineers, especially when they convey their thoughts and opinions in an organized and attractive way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
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    Re: Employment intention

    Thats a tough one,

    To find a guy that knows a lot , with good experience, up to date on parts, manufacturers and controls?

    He must be very busy at his currant job.

    Try look for someone from abroad, I think it will be easier, also being a foreigner will impress the customers.

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
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    Smile Re: Employment intention

    Hi eng_ab
    what's the spare parts you sell?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
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    Re: Employment intention

    Quote Originally Posted by eng_ab
    Hi guys;

    I think this will be an exciting topic and i am sure that u will help me on this guys. We are thinking of employing a guy who has knowledge in refrigeration. Well speaking precisely about a refrigeration engineer who can help us in selling refrigeration spare parts, (refrigeration + sales) engineer. I heard that hiring refrigeration engineers is not cheap but what i am worrying about is How do i know that this is the right guy ? What education field is right ? Good certificates to consider ? And when interviewing by phone or personally, How can i get the impression that he is the right one from ? I am an engineer and i really appreciate the work of good engineers, especially when they convey their thoughts and opinions in an organized and attractive way.
    Of course we are not cheap to hire. Being brilliant as well as personable makes us in demand everywhere. Unfortunately, though, conveying thoughts and opinions in an organized and attractive way...... say, how long have you been reading this site??

    Hiring a good sales engineer is a difficult task and you would be well advised to consult a hiring professional. Tech types and effective salesmen seem to be cut from two different molds.

    If you find a hybrid, people skills are more important than tech knowledge. If you, an engineer, do the hiring, you may have a hard time sorting out the applicants a professional recruiter could see through. You will end up hiring the person who sells himself to you most successfully. That is probably not a good thing unless your customers are engineers also.

    But finding a recruiter with integrity, that's more difficult still! You'll probably just have to burn through a few mistakes. Posting here was probably your first! For your second, you could retain an over-priced consultant like me.

    Good luck.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Austin, Texas
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    Re: Employment intention

    Hi eng b, I have a few of questions that I would pose to see if the prospect really knows his stuff:

    1. How do you determine the design TD of a refrigeration system? ANSWER - I like to hear the response, "The capacity of the condensing unit at design temperature divided by the capacity of the unit cooler at 1 degree TD."

    2. What is T.D., as opposed to Delta-T? ANSWER - "T.D. is the temperature difference of two different (mediums). Delta-T is the change in temperature of the same medium."

    3. What is the rated capacity of a Sporlan **** - 1 - ** expansion valve? ANSWER "That depends on the design evaporating temperature or pressure drop of the system/refrigerant."

    That is the base of knowledge that I would begin with (right or wrong).


  6. #6
    Martin Zapp's Avatar
    Martin Zapp Guest

    Re: Employment intention

    does anyone have alist of question , for a applicant

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