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Thread: Eid mubarak

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    moideen's Avatar
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    Eid mubarak

    Wish very very happy eid mubarak to my all my members

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Please excuse my ignorance.
    But what is it you are celebrating?

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    Please excuse my ignorance.
    But what is it you are celebrating?
    Eid Al-Adha is preceded by the glorious day of `Arafah and is one of the important days of Hajj. Among the main themes and messages of Hajj is submission and obedience to Allah. When we read about the remarkable stories of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma`il, and Hajar, we witness extraordinary examples of obedience and submission to Allah, which is the core meaning of Islam. Actually, submission is the very meaning of the word "Islam". So the meaning and essence of Islam are manifested in Hajj, which reminds us of our mission and purpose in life.
    `Eid Al-Adha is a symbol of obedience. It signifies submission to Allah. On this day, we commemorate together the acts of obedience and submission performed by Prophet Ibrahim and his family when he was commanded to take Hajar and their son Isma`il to an uninhabited, barren, distant land and leave them there alone. He submitted and obeyed. When Hajar realized what was happening, she cried out, "Ibrahim! Are you going to leave us in this valley where no people live?" She repeated the question yet she received no answer, so she asked him, "Did Allah order you to do this?" He replied, "Yes." So she said, "Then Allah will not let us perish." Thus she submitted.
    Furthermore, when his son Isma`il became older, Ibrahim received a command from his Lord to sacrifice him. He submitted and so did his son. The family of Ibrahim was a family of obedience and submission. They were tested and tried again and again, but the result was always submission and obedience.
    Both `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr come after performing a pillar of Islam and an act of obedience. Hence `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr are annual reminders that this life is a test and we must be obedient if we wish to be successful. Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, social status, and culture are reminded and given the message: Surrender to Allah, submit to Allah. Are we hearing this message?
    Just as Prophet Ibrahim was tested throughout his life to see if he would submit or not, so will we be tested to see whether we submit to Allah's commands or refuse! Know that toils, struggles, and hardships will accompany our quest to obedience. But if we obey, w [All who obey Allah and the messenger shall dwell in the company of those whom Allah has favored with His Grace: the prophets, the sincere lovers of Truth, the martyrs, and the Righteous who do good. Ah! What a beautiful companionship!] (An-Nisaa' 4:69)
    `Eid contains many wonderful messages among which is that `Eid is an external expression of the testimony of faith "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah," which means to follow Muhammad in his commandments, abstain from all that he has forbidden, believe in all that he has informed us of, and worship Allah with only that which he has prescribed. Allah says:
    [Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.] (An-Nur 24:54)
    Consequently if you truly desire Paradise, all that is required of you is obedience, since the Prophet has guaranteed Paradise for whoever follows him: "All of my nation will enter Paradise except those who refuse." His Companions said, "Who would refuse?" He answered, "Whoever obeys me enters Paradise and whoever disobeys me has refused." (Al-Bukhari).
    Likewise, Allah warns us throughout the Qur'an of the consequences of choosing to disobey Him. For example Allah says:[And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, and transgresses His limits, He will cast him into the Fire, to abide therein; and he shall have a disgraceful torment.] (An-Nisaa' 4:14)
    And among the messages of `Eid is that all Muslims are one people and one brotherhood; we gather together for the prayer and share in the blessings of the `Eid. During these days we must try extra hard to strengthen our brotherhood and mend our differences upon the truth.
    Muslim youth, take the opportunity of `Eid to be kind to your parents, and know that obedience to your parents is obedience to Allah provided that it is free of disobedience to Allah. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, for they destroy the heart, the intellect, and the society.
    Women, witness the `Eid Prayer without displaying and flaunting your beauty or wearing perfumes. Fear Allah in regards to your dress code and know that the dress code of the Muslim woman is an honor, not an oppression. The dress code is that your clothing should cover your entire body apart from the hands and face; it should not be adorned and attractive in and of itself; it should be loose and opaque. This dress code is be observed in the masjids as well as in all public gathering places.
    We Muslims should take action now toward improving our obedience and submission to Allah, for time is limited. Remember the ones who prayed with us in the last `Eid Prayer and who have now become the residents of the graveyard. We will certainly join them one day. Do not therefore be tricked by the life of this world in which happiness does not last. Death spoils the people's pleasure. So look for pleasure in which there is no death. Therefore, consider this world a place of work toward the hereafter. As Allah says concerning the pursuit of Paradise:
    [And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he ought to strive and he is a believer; (as for) these, their striving shall surely be accepted.] (Al-Israa' 17:19)
    And Allah says:
    [And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty.] (Al-Hijr 15:99)
    Allah is stating that our obedience and submission must be constant and continuous. So hasten to do good deeds before you regret your negligence and failure to act. No one has an agreement with the Angel of Death to delay their death until the time they choose to submit and obey Allah. Ibrahim submitted, Isma`il submitted, Hajar submitted, and now you must submit. What are you waiting for? This is the message of Hajj; this is the message of `Eid. You have heard the message. It's time to submit.

  4. #4
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Thought it was President Mubarak's birthday.

    Very few members would be Muslims, I'd venture, so we have no clue on your celebrations. Most are simply not interested in being proselytized, thank you.

    Perhaps try some of the Arabic forums...
    Engineering Specialist - Cuprobraze, Nocolok, CD Technology
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  5. #5
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by moideen View Post
    Eid Al-Adha is preceded by the glorious day of `Arafah and is one of the important days of Hajj. Among the main themes and messages of Hajj is submission and obedience to Allah. When we read about the remarkable stories of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma`il, and Hajar, we witness extraordinary examples of obedience and submission to Allah, which is the core meaning of Islam. Actually, submission is the very meaning of the word "Islam". So the meaning and essence of Islam are manifested in Hajj, which reminds us of our mission and purpose in life.
    `Eid Al-Adha is a symbol of obedience. It signifies submission to Allah. On this day, we commemorate together the acts of obedience and submission performed by Prophet Ibrahim and his family when he was commanded to take Hajar and their son Isma`il to an uninhabited, barren, distant land and leave them there alone. He submitted and obeyed. When Hajar realized what was happening, she cried out, "Ibrahim! Are you going to leave us in this valley where no people live?" She repeated the question yet she received no answer, so she asked him, "Did Allah order you to do this?" He replied, "Yes." So she said, "Then Allah will not let us perish." Thus she submitted.
    Furthermore, when his son Isma`il became older, Ibrahim received a command from his Lord to sacrifice him. He submitted and so did his son. The family of Ibrahim was a family of obedience and submission. They were tested and tried again and again, but the result was always submission and obedience.
    Both `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr come after performing a pillar of Islam and an act of obedience. Hence `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr are annual reminders that this life is a test and we must be obedient if we wish to be successful. Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, social status, and culture are reminded and given the message: Surrender to Allah, submit to Allah. Are we hearing this message?
    Just as Prophet Ibrahim was tested throughout his life to see if he would submit or not, so will we be tested to see whether we submit to Allah's commands or refuse! Know that toils, struggles, and hardships will accompany our quest to obedience. But if we obey, w [All who obey Allah and the messenger shall dwell in the company of those whom Allah has favored with His Grace: the prophets, the sincere lovers of Truth, the martyrs, and the Righteous who do good. Ah! What a beautiful companionship!] (An-Nisaa' 4:69)
    `Eid contains many wonderful messages among which is that `Eid is an external expression of the testimony of faith "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah," which means to follow Muhammad in his commandments, abstain from all that he has forbidden, believe in all that he has informed us of, and worship Allah with only that which he has prescribed. Allah says:
    [Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.] (An-Nur 24:54)
    Consequently if you truly desire Paradise, all that is required of you is obedience, since the Prophet has guaranteed Paradise for whoever follows him: "All of my nation will enter Paradise except those who refuse." His Companions said, "Who would refuse?" He answered, "Whoever obeys me enters Paradise and whoever disobeys me has refused." (Al-Bukhari).
    Likewise, Allah warns us throughout the Qur'an of the consequences of choosing to disobey Him. For example Allah says:[And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, and transgresses His limits, He will cast him into the Fire, to abide therein; and he shall have a disgraceful torment.] (An-Nisaa' 4:14)
    And among the messages of `Eid is that all Muslims are one people and one brotherhood; we gather together for the prayer and share in the blessings of the `Eid. During these days we must try extra hard to strengthen our brotherhood and mend our differences upon the truth.
    Muslim youth, take the opportunity of `Eid to be kind to your parents, and know that obedience to your parents is obedience to Allah provided that it is free of disobedience to Allah. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, for they destroy the heart, the intellect, and the society.
    Women, witness the `Eid Prayer without displaying and flaunting your beauty or wearing perfumes. Fear Allah in regards to your dress code and know that the dress code of the Muslim woman is an honor, not an oppression. The dress code is that your clothing should cover your entire body apart from the hands and face; it should not be adorned and attractive in and of itself; it should be loose and opaque. This dress code is be observed in the masjids as well as in all public gathering places.
    We Muslims should take action now toward improving our obedience and submission to Allah, for time is limited. Remember the ones who prayed with us in the last `Eid Prayer and who have now become the residents of the graveyard. We will certainly join them one day. Do not therefore be tricked by the life of this world in which happiness does not last. Death spoils the people's pleasure. So look for pleasure in which there is no death. Therefore, consider this world a place of work toward the hereafter. As Allah says concerning the pursuit of Paradise:
    [And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he ought to strive and he is a believer; (as for) these, their striving shall surely be accepted.] (Al-Israa' 17:19)
    And Allah says:
    [And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty.] (Al-Hijr 15:99)
    Allah is stating that our obedience and submission must be constant and continuous. So hasten to do good deeds before you regret your negligence and failure to act. No one has an agreement with the Angel of Death to delay their death until the time they choose to submit and obey Allah. Ibrahim submitted, Isma`il submitted, Hajar submitted, and now you must submit. What are you waiting for? This is the message of Hajj; this is the message of `Eid. You have heard the message. It's time to submit.
    He asked a question you do not need to rave on about matyrs and such. This is not the place or time. I have worked in Mid East and saw somethings that were not in your faith carried out by muslims
    My wife used to say you never listen to a word I say at least I think that what she said

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    ohh my god.
    mmm to beer or not to beer...........lets drink breakfast

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    Please excuse my ignorance.
    But what is it you are celebrating?
    OK, been here done this. Search my posts. Mullers chant sh1te and stone each other to death in a bizzare wall based stone throwing ritual. i prefer contract bridge or, a good game of chess, but then thats just me. I have never understood the plane crashing into developed civilised buildings society, just because they are not able to develop a sensible society on their own.

    Forget it, it will be 12 months before it comes back.
    Takes a licking, keeps on ticking.

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    In fact, Abe if your still here. Shoo this guy, he will listen to you.
    Takes a licking, keeps on ticking.

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    I think your explanation was a little bit to detailed Moideen!
    To my "Westernised" way of thinking
    Your explanation was way to Heavy.

    I was expecting something like "It' Celebrates a particular Religious Ceremony".
    Never the Less thank you for the explanation.

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    And a happy Eid mubarak to you to Moideen and all our Muslim members


  11. #11
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by slingblade View Post
    OK, been here done this. Search my posts. Mullers chant sh1te and stone each other to death in a bizzare wall based stone throwing ritual. i prefer contract bridge or, a good game of chess, but then thats just me. I have never understood the plane crashing into developed civilised buildings society, just because they are not able to develop a sensible society on their own.

    Forget it, it will be 12 months before it comes back.
    mr.dont angry.i think you dont know current politics and history.who was the mastermind behind the 9/11.we believe,it was the brutal work of zionists.for making a justification to attack iraq and robbing their wealth. millions innocent peoples killed in iraq.anybody punished.america didnt began the open enquuary about planning to attack iran!after this war will remain never ending civil history,westenors attacked many african and asian countries for making colony.we want to develop a sensible society,so please to live!


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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Dear moideen,
    I wish you a happy Eid mubarak.
    As this time I wish all a happy Christmas,
    Thanks you for the info (may be a bit long for this type of forum)
    History is a strange thing, it is dependent on where you stand.
    I agree that many innocent people suffered.
    Like most things in life a few spoil it for the rest.
    What ever religion you (all) believe in then let, your gods be the judge.
    "Anti religion, pro faith"
    refrigeration common to us all!

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by moideen View Post
    mr.dont angry.i think you dont know current politics and history.who was the mastermind behind the 9/11.we believe,it was the brutal work of zionists.for making a justification to attack iraq and robbing their wealth. millions innocent peoples killed in iraq.anybody punished.america didnt began the open enquuary about planning to attack iran!after this war will remain never ending civil history,westenors attacked many african and asian countries for making colony.we want to develop a sensible society,so please to live!

    Hello moideen

    I don't believe the americans attacked their own. But I do think that the invasion of Iraq was to control the oil reserves.
    Iran is a country in trouble, the lack of democracy is not a good thing, creating a situation where outside powers may force a regeime change, such as Iraq.

    Remember, all three of the large world religions trace themselves back to Abraham.

    Kind Regards Andy
    If you can't fix it leave it that no one else will:rolleyes:

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Don't care about all this mumbo-jumbo. This is a refrigeration forum!

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by coolstuf View Post
    Don't care about all this mumbo-jumbo. This is a refrigeration forum!
    And this is the chit-chat section so most subjects are floated here.
    Brian - Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Eid mubarak to you too Moideen... Just to clarify to some, I believe that Eid mubarak simply means Happy holiday, and I'm all for that...

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    Re: Eid mubarak

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  18. #18
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by desA View Post

    Hi desa, God bless you! Please you don’t expose your level of knowledge. MUBARAK who is a dictator in Egypt. No relation with EID MUBARAK AND ISLAM .mubarak means blessed

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    My mistake! But I think that to most of us it means pretty much the same thing

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hello moideen

    I don't believe the americans attacked their own. But I do think that the invasion of Iraq was to control the oil reserves.
    Iran is a country in trouble, the lack of democracy is not a good thing, creating a situation where outside powers may force a regeime change, such as Iraq.

    Remember, all three of the large world religions trace themselves back to Abraham.

    Kind Regards Andy
    hi andy if you search in internet you will get more evidence.i am giving some samples.....
    The mystery behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks has prompted new questions on the quality of the destruction of the twin towers at the New York World Trade Center that caused a massive cloud of dust.

    In an article published by the news website Rebel News, American investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn mentions that some 425,000 cubic meters of concrete from 220 floors of the twin towers completely disintegrated before hitting the ground, forming the most substantial part of the immense pyroclastic clouds of hot dust that rolled through the streets of the lower Manhattan on 9/11.

    Noting that at the time the twin towers were entirely owned or leased by a powerful "Zionist Jewish investor," named Larry Silverstein, who had been indicted on drug smuggling charges during Bill Clinton's presidency, the article suggests that such fact may explain the mystery behind what really led to the fantastic decomposition and crumbling of the two skyscrapers.

    Referring to the vast influence of the “Zionist” or the pro-Israeli lobby over the US government and media establishment, Bollyn suggests that despite efforts to claim that the towers came down in the form of non-explosive pancake-like collapses, no trace of the 220 concrete floors or the metal pans that held them together could be found in the pile of the rubble.

    Bollyn then emphasizes the pulverization of the concrete floors in the twin towers and the subsequent formation of pyroclastic clouds, as well as the existence of large amounts of active super-thermite in the dust, concluding that such total disintegration of both buildings cannot possibly be the outcome of planes crashing into the top floors.

    Bollyn then explains how he decided in November 2001 to move to Germany with his family.

    He says his decision to move coincided with the Israeli-planned "War on Terror" that was carried out by the then US President George W. Bush.

    "My early research of the available evidence and news reports strongly indicated that Israeli military intelligence had carried out the 9/11 destruction as a false-flag terror operation that was blamed on Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda. The Zionist-controlled US government and media pushed for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan based on this unproven version of events," he notes.

    Bollyn further explains that he was TASERed and tortured and had his right elbow broken in August 2006 after he was attacked by an undercover police force at his home.

    "I realized that my instincts were right in 2001 and that the US was not a safe place to investigate the 9/11 attacks."

    Late in November 2001, Bollyn writes, he had the chance to talk with Andreas von Bülow, a former parliamentarian and an expert on intelligence matters, at his home near Cologne, Germany.

    We both agreed on the role the Israeli intelligence has played in the 9/11 false-flag terror attacks, he says.

    In following his investigation, Bollyn says, he had also come across Markus "Mischa" Wolf, the German Jewish spymaster who ran the East German intelligence operations for 35 years.

    According to Bollyn, Markus Wolf was born in 1923 in the southern Germany to an influential Jewish family. Wolf, who lived in the Soviet Union with his communist family during the World War II, was dispatched to Berlin after the war with Walter Ulbricht, the founder of the totalitarian East German state, the DDR.

    "He worked as a journalist for a radio station in the Soviet-occupied German territories and also served as one of the witnesses during the Nuremberg Trials," Bollyn writes.

    Wolf died on November 9, 2006, the 17th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, added Bollyn.

    According to the article, Bollyn also came across another Jewish personality, Frau Marek, who, by her own admission, worked for several intelligence agencies, including the Israeli Mossad.

    "She had a background in physics and told me that she had information about a directed-energy infrared beam weapon that had been developed by the Soviet Union," Bollyn writes.

    This infrared beam weapon, she said, could have been used in the 9/11 incident, which explains the real weapon behind the demolition of the twin towers and capable of “the pulverization of all the concrete in the towers."

    (quoted from press tv)


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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Moideen, Whereas I am more than happy to welcome you and salute your eid, I am not at all sure that this is the place for you to vent and try to spread your silliness... I tolerate all kinds of religious nonsense as long as you don't try to force it down my throat. This site has guys and girls from all over the world and we get along just fine thanks and that is the way I would like it to stay. If you cannot write anything constructive, then please don't bother, there are plenty of other sites that would love to hear your views, perhaps some of the North American "Redneck" or Swiss nationalistic sites might give you a warm welcome...

    Now if you have any tips on brewing beer or building a better still, then we are all ears....

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Hofmann View Post

    Now if you have any tips on brewing beer or building a better still, then we are all ears....

    I don't think Muslims are all that keen on brewing beer what with the no alcohol thing.


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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by monkey spanners View Post
    I don't think Muslims are all that keen on brewing beer what with the no alcohol thing.

    Don't you kid yourself...It's amazing just how many month long business trips to Europe happen during Ramadan. Lived in Dubai for five years so I know how it works...

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Moideen, lets say for instance that what you say is correct, It was a man who perpitrated the fact (it was not every jewish person) and the same can be said for Bin Laden, he is man and it was not every muslim.
    The are power hungry animals in EVERY part of the world, most using there religion as an excuse for the terrible acts.
    Breaking the inhertited hate pattern is what is required.
    I have worked all over the world, with just about evey race and religion, I can say that most people are just great!

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    My understanding of the events of 9/11 differ dramatically from Moideen's and every theory has tons of "evidence".

    So... here are the options:

    a. You have been lied to.
    b. I have been lied to.
    c. We have been lied to.

    It's the bad guys versus the bad guys... and everyone else is caught in the middle.

    The one undeniable in all this is that that the muslim terrorists don't care who they kill. They just blow up as many people as possible.

    That's not to say that the other bad guys don't take out a few innocents... but they don't brag about it.

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Ok, fess up... who's on stone-throwing duty next week?
    Engineering Specialist - Cuprobraze, Nocolok, CD Technology
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Quote Originally Posted by desA View Post
    Ok, fess up... who's on stone-throwing duty next week?

    Me sir... Me sir..... Please! Me sir.....

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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Looks to me like this thread should be closed.

    Edit by Frank.... Thread now Closed.
    Last edited by frank; 02-12-2009 at 09:07 PM.
    If all else fails, ask for help.

  30. #30
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    Re: Eid mubarak

    Agreed with US Iceman - like the informal rules of polite dinner conversation when visiting or a guest overseas - the less said about religion or politics, the better. It's bound to stir up emotive stuff and rise hackles as is happening here.

    Remember what Augustus once said:
    "festina lente" - make haste, slowly!

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