Quote Originally Posted by tbirdtbird View Post
Well we sure have come a long way when we do not know for certain that any R22 was actually vented.
A bottle of R22 with a single hose on it, some clean condensers and some dirty condensers. Not proof as the OP suggests but beyond reasonable doubt??

And a government report was cited as proof that the shuttle does not punch holes in the ozone. Wow, there are people out there that would believe everything their government tells them. Like Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
We all pick and choose what we believe and don't believe. I presume you choose not to believe that the Shuttle doesn't harm the ozone layer. Is that because you have hard evidence, or that you don't believe this government on anything?

As Gary eloquently said, "They can control my actions, but they can't control my mind. B*llsh*t is still b*llsh*t."
Next you'll be telling me that advertising doesn't work. Well if you believe that I have a bridge to sell...

The earth has gone through numerous hot-cold cycles throughout the ages. Period. We really cannot control that, and it will occur no matter what we do. Geology is the science that tells us this, not the government.
Again we all choose to believe what we choose to believe. (or are guided to believe?) However this thread isn't about GW, it's about illegal venting of refrigerant.

I think the mods should close this thread.
I don't. Just lets keep it on the original topic of illegal venting