Hello JG.....again,

Recently I became aware that Unilever ( the ice-cream boys) had so far outstanding in Europe 85.000 HC fluid propelled Ice cream boxes and will be aiming at approx 1 million in Europe in the next 6/7 years. Anybody interested in servicing R290 equipment ???? You just wander what stops people accepting this new technology.????

HC propelled Whats this? Add brazing torch and retire...prematurely.

I have already told you that many of our small fridges use HCs so whats new? Although I may be advised by a domestic fridge engineer, but it seems to me that unless the fridge is under warranty, then the price of the parts and labour outweigh the price of a new fridge, so if it fails outside warranty, many folk bin their old fridge and buy a new one, where is the money to be made there?

Modern fridges are made in a factory with quality control, and so normally sealed before delivery to the customer the chances of leakage is very small but if they do leak, then the leak would be small (Unless the muppet sticks a knife through one of the coils when defrosting) allowing the refrigerant to desperse harmlessly. Providing that the concentration of HC does not take the fuel/air ratio in to the combustible zone, then there is no problem

Regarding the automotive industry, when they make a decision, then I shall respond, in the meantime, my sodastream has been 100% effective in the repair of every CO2 system that I have encountered, handy for hot days too! Get busy with the fizzy....