Hi Guys. I have some questions regarding the design of a Controlled Pressure Receiver system using R-22. If the CPR were kept at approximately 65psig (45deg.F) can this same vessel feed both a +15degF load and a
-15degF load (with 2 seperate suction group compressors of course)?
I know that the liquid overfeed rate of a CPR system is usually around 1.5:1 and use hand expansion valves for liquid feed to evaps (air units).
Could, however, electronic type expansion valves be used to feed evapoators, programmed to allow a fully flooded coil but only to the the point of exit, into the coil's suction line (before joining the main header)in order to reduce even further the amount of liquid overfeed?
And finally, instead of controlling the pressure of the CPR through a back pressure regulator tied to the +15degF load, could a seperate compressor dedicated to the CPR be used?
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. And if there are any publications or articles on-line on this subject please let me know.