Hi guys, this is a bit of a random question, but I thought you guys would have the knowledge to help me!... I'm an amateur screenwriter with an interest in the shipping industry and working on a movie script about a guy who gets locked in a reefer.

I was thinking that in the script, the compressor would fail and the reefer would start to heat up inside. As a result of the rising temperature he has to get out of there fast.

Is there any way that the guy in the reefer could cause this? Like if he blocked the airflow intake or outlet, could it overload the compressor? Or if he drilled a hole in the reefer or damaged the seal, could the increased moisture ice the evaporator coils over and overload the compressor, causing it to fail? Could he damage the electrics from the inside and shut down the compressor somehow? (Although I can't think why he'd be messing with the electrics) Anyway, I've just been trying to do some research and find some possibilities.

I'm sure I'm overlooking a lot of practical realities but I have no idea what they are!

You can probably tell from my question that I don't have much knowledge in this area, so any help you guys could give me would be awesome!

Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong section or not the right kind of thing for the forum.
