Open letter to all members.

Having looked at many threads and also researched the web a lot it seems there is no real place to find a solid cap tube design program or diagram, there is just so much variance and hence the best advice is to cut, test, cut etc.

So what about the RE members writing their own program for use by all at RE.

I also see that Iceman and Peter_1 are not keen on software as it betrays any fundamental knowledge so an open source format is proposed. This allows any one to see the equations used and change them (in their own copy only) to see how modifications work.

The program would use condenser and evaporator conditions plus refrigerant type and mass flow/capacity.

All properties would be looked up on a table (taken from a PH diagram) and tabulated at the top of the program. This would allow anyone to enter new properties for whatever gas they plan to use. Maybe we could do it in Excel to start with.

The program would use adiabatic expansion, calculate the pressure drop for, say, every 5C drop in temp and the incremental length taking note of quality, plug flow, momentum etc etc.

So if anyone wants to volunteer to help with the thermodynamic equations, programming, testing and validation against actual operating systems please join in.

Maybe if it does get going we should use the PM board to communicate to free up the forums from the detailed or dreary stuff.

Any ideas? Anybody up for this?

Regards Chef.