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  1. #1
    Zahid's Avatar
    Zahid Guest

    Do we have some expert in replacing compressors

    Gents, Hi

    We have four chilers DUNHAM-BUSH Model # ACFX280-6 capacity 275 TR Flooded cooler with hermetically sealed Rotary screw compressors (120TR & 155 TR) two sytems and CHW EWT 44F LWT 54F ambient 115F.

    And we have a total of failed compressors SIX out of Eight in last four years period. and we are now serious in replacing all the compressors to servicable Reciprocating type either York or copeland type. can any expert suggest on the following.

    P& ID piping flow diagram attached for your quick review also you can download cataloge from DUMHAM-BUSH site for the model sepecified above.
    1. Piping modification if required for economizer.
    2. Compressors capacity selection, suggetion, advice.
    3. Can we have mulitle compressors in parallel to meet the capacity of each systems.
    4. Controls modification if any for loading & unlading.
    5. Exsiting Motorized ball valve operation for economizer operation.
    6. Liquid & suction injection to the new compressors modification if required.
    7. Oil retun to the compressors.
    8. Microprocessors alteration if any.
    9. And finally how this chillers will work on new compressors is it ok to replace the compressors with Reciprocating type servicable.
    10. Your advice for the above will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks for your suggetion in advance. and I now look forward to recive your valued replies. on

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    P & I D Flow Diagram.pdf
    P & I D Flow Diagram.pdf
    Last edited by Argus; 30-06-2008 at 09:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Brian_UK's Avatar
    Brian_UK is offline Moderator I am starting to push the Mods: of RE Site Moderator : and general nice guy
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    Re: Do we have some expert in replacing compressors

    Have you identified the reasons for your compressor failures ?

    If it is a packaged unit then what input have the manufacturers had regarding the failures?
    Brian - Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
    Retired March 2015

  3. #3
    Zahid's Avatar
    Zahid Guest

    Re: Do we have some expert in replacing compressors

    thanks for your response but the manufacturer does'nt have good reason since he dont even have a office KSA and I feel the hermetic rotary scew is not a good application for Air cooled flooded chiller. could you suggest some on replacing with open type Reciprocating comp I am thinking of installing York JS 83 and eight cylinder compressors in bothe the systems one for each system byt this York comoressors will not meet the capacity reqirement.

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