What we do is take gas from the top of bottles with contaminated ***** and pull it through 2 x 8 danfoss filterdriers and then through the compressor and through another 2 x 8 filterdriers...

we have sent in ***** samples for analysis from some batches we did with low suction pressure, and the result we got back was better than what the main ***** supplier in Norway could manage.

Later it became a discussion that if the suction pressure was below 0 celcius then the ice would "insert spaced out explanation here" and evaporate and follow the ***** gas and we'd get a greater amount of contamination in the filters.

but now I see as quoted from the wikipedia article linked above that it needs to be at "0.01 °C and a partial vapour pressure ca. 6.1173 millibars" for the water to be at the triple point...

so in my eyes this is a non issue...