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  1. #1
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    Cool Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Hey there guys. I need some help! i'm working on a Carrier Transicold freezer container running on R134a. I keep getting an error code (AL21) on the electronic controller & the unit refuses to start up.The alarm LED is continuosly lit. Earlier this week it had an "AL52" fault & we traced that back to a fault evap. fan. I suspect AL21 to be one of the sensors but thats just a guess. Anyone with solid knowledge on these error codes could please help. I would appreciate it, if i could get the full list of codes for this machine. Thanx.

  2. #2
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamel View Post
    Hey there guys. I need some help! i'm working on a Carrier Transicold freezer container running on R134a. I keep getting an error code (AL21) on the electronic controller & the unit refuses to start up.The alarm LED is continuosly lit. Earlier this week it had an "AL52" fault & we traced that back to a fault evap. fan. I suspect AL21 to be one of the sensors but thats just a guess. Anyone with solid knowledge on these error codes could please help. I would appreciate it, if i could get the full list of codes for this machine. Thanx.

    What model is the unit? I would assume its a 69NT20/40-????-???

  3. #3
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    maybe thats zhe thing you are looking for

    AL13 Expansion Module

    Alarm 13 is triggered if the control module has lost communication with the expansion
    module for more than five minutes or communication fails within the
    first 15 seconds on power up. This alarm triggers failure action C (evaporator fan
    only) or D (all machinery off) of Function Code Cd29 if the unit has a perishable
    set point. Failure action D (all machinery off) is triggered if the unit has a frozen
    set point

    AL14 Phase Sequence Failure -- Electronic

    Alarm 14 is triggered if the electronic phase detection system is unable to determine
    the correct phase relationship. DIRCHECK will be displayed while the
    relationship is determined. If the system is unable to determine the proper relationship
    alarm 14 will remain active. Additiotnal information on phase detection
    may be displayed at Function Code Cd41. If the right most digit of Code Cd41 is
    3 or 4, this indicates incorrect motor or sensor wiring. If the right most digit is 5,
    this indicates a failed current sensor assembly.

    AL15 Loss Cooling Future Expansion

    AL16 Compressor Current High

    Alarm 16 is triggered if compressor current draw is 15% over calculated maximum
    for 10 minutes out of the last hour. The alarm is display only and will trigger
    off when the compressor operates for one hour without over current.

    AL17 Phase Sequence Failure -- Pressure

    Alarm 17 is triggered if a compressor start in both directions fails to generate
    sufficient pressure differential. The controller will attempt restart every twenty
    minutes and deactivate the alarm if successful. This alarm triggers failure action
    C (evaporator fan only) or D (all machinery off) of Function Code Cd29 if the
    unit has a perishable set point. Failure action D (all machinery off) is triggered if
    the unit has a frozen set point

    AL18 Discharge Pressure High

    Alarm 18 is triggered if discharge pressure is 10% over calculated maximum for
    10 minutes within the last hour. The alarm is display only and will trigger off
    when the compressor operates for one hour without overpressure.

    AL19 Discharge Temperature High

    Alarm 19 is triggered if discharge temperature exceeds 135_C (275_F) for 10
    minutes within the last hour. The alarm is display only and will trigger off when
    the compressor operates for one hour without over temperature

    AL20 Control Circuit Fuse Open (24 vac)

    Alarm 20 is triggered by control power fuse (F3) opening and will cause the software
    shutdown of all control units. This alarm will remain active until the fuse is

    AL21 Micro Circuit Fuse Open (18 vac)

    Alarm 21 is triggered by one of the fuses (F1/F2) being opened on 18 volts AC
    power supply to the Controller. The suction modulation valve (SMV) will be
    opened and current limiting is halted. Temperature control will be maintained by
    cycling the compressor.

    AL22 Evaporator Fan Motor Safety

    Alarm 22 responds to the evaporator motor internal protectors. The alarm is triggered
    by opening of either internal protector. It will disable all control units until
    the motor protector resets and the unit is power cycled.

    AL23 Loss of Phase B

    Alarm 23 is triggered if low current draw is detected on phase B and IPCP, HPS
    or IPEM is not tripped. If the compressor should be running, the controller will
    initiate a start up every five minutes and trigger off if current reappears. If the
    evaporator fan motors only should be running, the alarm will trigger off is current
    reappears. This alarm triggers failure action C (evaporator fan only) or D
    (all machinery off) of Function Code Cd29 if the unit has a perishable set point.
    Failure action D (all machinery off) is triggered if the unit has a frozen set point

    AL24 Compressor Motor Safety

    Alarm 24 is triggered when compressor is not drawing any current. It also triggers
    failure action ”C” or ”D” set by function Code 29 for perishable setpoint, or
    ”D” for frozen setpoint. This alarm will remain active until compressor draws
    Table 3-6 Controller Alarm Indications (Sheet 2 of 4)

    AL25 Condenser Fan Motor Safety

    Alarm 25 is triggered by the opening of the condenser motor internal protector
    and will disable all control units except for the evaporator fans. This alarm will
    remain active until the motor protector resets. This alarm triggers failure action
    C (evaporator fan only) or D (all machinery off) of Function Code Cd29 if the
    unit has a perishable set point. Failure action D (all machinery off) is triggered if
    the unit has a frozen set point

    AL26 All Supply and Returntemperature Control Sensors Failure

    Alarm 26 is triggered if the Controller determines that all of the control sensors
    are out-of-range. This can occur for box temperatures outside the range of --50_C
    to +70_C (--58_F to +158_F). This alarm triggers the failure action code set by
    Function Code Cd29.

    AL27 A/D Accuracy Failure

    The Controller has a built-in Analog to Digital (A-D) converter, used to convert
    analog readings (i.e. temperature sensors, current sensors, etc.) to digital readings.
    The Controller continuously performs calibration tests on the A-D converter.
    If the A-D converter fails to calibrate for 30 consecutive seconds, this
    alarm is activated.This alarm will be inactivated as soon as the A-D converter

    AL28 Low Suction Pressure

    Alarm 28 is triggered if suction pressure is below 2 psia and alarm 66 (Suction
    Pressure Transducer Failure) is not active. This alarm will be inactivated when
    suction pressure rises above 2 psia for three continuous minutes. This alarm triggers
    failure action C (evaporator fan only) or D (all machinery off) as determined
    by User Selectable Failure Response if the unit has a perishable set point; Failure
    action D (all machinery off) if the unit has a frozen set point. Reset SMV.

    AL51 Alarm List Failure
    During start-up diagnostics, the EEPROM is examined to determine validity of
    its contents. This is done by testing the set point and the alarm list. If the contents
    are invalid, Alarm 51 is activated. During control processing, any operation
    involving alarm list activity that results in an error will cause Alarm 51 to be activated.
    Alarm 51 is a “display only” alarm and is not written into the alarm list.
    Pressing the ENTER key when “CLEAr” is displayed will result in an attempt to
    clear the alarm list. If that action is successful (all alarms are inactive), Alarm 51
    will be reset.

    AL52 Alarm List Full

    Alarm 52 is activated whenever the alarm list is determined to be full; at start-up
    or after recording an alarm in the list. Alarm 52 is displayed, but is not recorded
    in the alarm list. This alarm can be reset by clearing the alarm list. This can be
    done only if all alarms written in the list are inactive.

    AL53 Battery Pack Failure

    Alarm 53 is caused by the battery pack charge being too low to provide sufficient
    power for battery-backed recording. Renew replaceable batteries. If this alarm
    occurs on start up, allow a unit fitted with rechargeable batteries to operate for up
    to 24 hours to charge rechargeable batteries sufficiently to deactivate the alarm

    AL54 Primary Supply Temperature Sensor Failure (STS)

    Alarm 54 is activated by an invalid primary supply temperature sensor reading
    that is sensed outside the range of --50 to +70_C (--58_F to +158_F) or if the
    probe check logic has determined there is a fault with this sensor. If Alarm 54 is
    activated and the primary supply is the control sensor, the secondary supply sensor
    will be used for control if the unit is so equipped. If the unit does not have a
    secondary supply temperature sensor, and AL54 is activated, the primary return
    sensor reading, minus 2_C will be used for control.
    The P5 Pre-Trip test must be run to inactivate the alarm

    AL55 DataCORDER Failure

    This alarm activates to indicate the DataCORDER has a software failure. To
    clear this alarm, reconfigure the unit to the current model number. This failure
    may be the result of a voltage dip in access of 25%.

    AL56 Primary Return Temperature Sensor Failure (RTS)

    Alarm 56 is activated by an invalid primary return temperature sensor reading
    that is outside the range of --50 to +70_C (--58_F to +158_F). If Alarm 56 is activated
    and the primary return is the control sensor, the secondary return sensor
    will be used for control if the unit is so equipped. If the unit is not equipped with
    a secondary return temperature sensor or it fails, the primary supply sensor will
    be used for control.
    The P5 Pre-Trip test must be run to inactivate the alarm.

    AL57 Ambient Temperature Sensor Failure

    Alarm 57 is triggered by an ambient temperature reading outside the valid range
    from --50_C (--58_F) to +70_C (+158_F).

    AL58 Compressor High Pressure Safety

    Alarm 58 is triggered when the compressor high discharge pressure safety switch
    remains open for at least one minute. This alarm will remain active until the pressure
    switch resets, at which time the compressor will restart.

    AL59 Heat Termination Thermostat

    Alarm 59 is triggered by the opening of the heat termination thermostat and will
    result in the disabling of the heater. This alarm will remain active until the thermostat

    AL60 Defrost Temperature Sensor Failure

    Alarm 60 is an indication of a probable failure of the defrost temperature sensor
    (DTS). It is triggered by the opening of the heat termination thermostat (HTT) or
    the failure of the DTS to go above set point within two hours of defrost initiation.
    After one-half hour with a frozen range set point, or one-half hour of continuous
    compressor run time, if the return air falls below 7_C (45_F), the Controller
    checks to ensure the DTS reading has dropped to 10_C or below. If not, a DTS
    failure alarm is given and the defrost mode is operated using the return temperature
    sensor. The defrost mode will be terminated after one hour by the Controller.

    AL61 Heaters Failure

    Alarm 61 is triggered by detection of improper amperage resulting from heater
    activation or deactivation. Each phase of the power source is checked for proper
    amperage.This alarm is a display alarm with no resulting failure action, and will
    be reset by a proper amp draw of the heater.
    AL62 Compressor Circuit Failure

    Alarm 62 is triggered by improper current draw increase (or decrease) resulting
    from compressor turn on (or off). The compressor is expected to draw a minimum
    of 2 amps; failure to do so will activate the alarm. This is a display alarm
    with no associated failure action and will be reset by a proper amp draw of the

    AL63 Current Over Limit

    Alarm 63 is triggered by the current limiting system. If the compressor is ON
    and current limiting procedures cannot maintain a current level below the user
    selected limit, the current limit alarm is activated. This alarm is a display alarm
    and is inactivated by power cycling the unit, changing the current limit via the
    code select Cd32, or if the current decreases below the activation level.

    AL64 Discharge Temperature Over Limit

    Alarm 64 is triggered if the discharge temperature sensed is outside the range of
    --60_C (--76_F) to 175_C (347_F), or if the sensor is out of range. This is a display
    alarm and has no associated failure action.

    AL65 Discharge Pressure Transducer Failure

    Alarm 65 is triggered if a compressor discharge transducer is out of range. This is
    a display alarm and has no associated failure action.

    AL66 Suction Pressure Transducer Failure

    Alarm 66 is triggered if a suction pressure transducer is out of range. This is a
    display alarm and has no associated failure action.

    AL67 Humidity Sensor Failure

    Alarm 67 is triggered by a humidity sensor reading outside the valid range of 0%
    to 100% relative humidity. If alarm AL67 is triggered when the dehumidification
    mode is activated, then the dehumidification mode will be deactivated.

    AL69 Suction Temperature Sensor Failure

    Alarm 69 is triggered by a suction temperature sensor reading outside the valid
    range of --60_C (--76_F) to 150_C (302_F). This is a display alarm and has no
    associated failure action.

    If the Controller is configured for four probes without a DataCORDER, the DataCORDER alarms AL70
    and AL71 will be processed as Controller alarms AL70 and AL71. Refer to Table 3-10.
    The Controller performs self-check routines. if an internal failure occurs, an
    “ERR” alarm will appear on the display. This is an indication the Controller
    needs to be replaced.


    ERR 0 -- RAM failure Indicates that the Controller working memory has failed.
    ERR Internal Microprocessor

    EER 1 -- Program Memory failure Indicates a problem with the Controller program.
    # Failure EER 2 -- Watchdog time--out

    The Controller program has entered a mode whereby
    the Controller program has stopped executing.

    EER 3 -- On board timer failure

    The on board timers are no longer operational.
    Timed items such as; defrost, etc. may not work.

    EER 4 -- Internal counter failure

    Internal multi-purpose counters have failed. These
    counters are used for timers and other items.

    EER 5 -- A-D failure The Controller’s Analog to Digital (A-D) converter has failed.

    Entr StPt Enter Setpoint (Press Arrow & Enter) The Controller is prompting the operator to enter a set point.

    LO Low Main Voltage (Function Codes Cd27--38 disabled and NO alarm stored.)
    This message will be alternately displayed with the set point whenever the supply
    voltage is less than 75% of its proper value.
    Last edited by TDI; 12-05-2008 at 10:48 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Hey there. Thanks for the response. the first few digits of the model are "NT42". Itake it thats what you require.

  5. #5
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamel View Post
    Hey there. Thanks for the response. the first few digits of the model are "NT42". Itake it thats what you require.
    No that model does not ring any bells here. It would look something like this: 69NT20-284 / 69NT40-461Either way here is a link to a place, so you can download the manual you need.,00.html Hope this helps.
    Last edited by absolute-zero; 12-05-2008 at 10:37 PM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by absolute-zero View Post
    No that model does not ring any bells here. It would look something like this: 69NT20-284 / 69NT40-461Either way here is a link to a place, so you can download the manual you need.,00.html Hope this helps.

  7. #7
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by paulo almeida View Post
    What manuals are you looking for in regards to transport refrigeration units? The link or address I just posted is about as good as it gets. A-Z

  8. #8
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    all carrier manuals parts and operating are available on line, Use the link in post 5 to get to carriers manuals index on the carrier webite

    Good luck


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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by deu58 View Post
    all carrier manuals parts and operating are available on line, Use the link in post 5 to get to carriers manuals index on the carrier webite

    Good luck

    Oh I forgot this one to add as well. http://www.transportaircon.carrier.c...I10093,00.html This is CTC climate control manuals for transit bus. You will find repair manuals, parts manuals, install manuals, and tool manuals.Have fun
    Dont forget to throw some reputation this way.

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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by absolute-zero View Post
    Oh I forgot this one to add as well. http://www.transportaircon.carrier.c...I10093,00.html This is CTC climate control manuals for transit bus. You will find repair manuals, parts manuals, install manuals, and tool manuals.Have fun
    Dont forget to throw some reputation this way.
    thanks for your attencion, but i need for transpor refrigeration, for trucs

  11. #11
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by paulo almeida View Post
    thanks for your attencion, but i need for transpor refrigeration, for trucs
    Thats not available at CTC extranet, only marine and bus. sorry dude.

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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by paulo almeida View Post
    for trucs
    I've got a few older ones stashed on a CD somewhere.
    Got a model number ?

  13. #13
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    hi there. I have had this problem before as well. the first thing to check is the fuses on the front of the controller. (F1 ,F2) the alarm code tells you that one of these fuses has blown. relace fuse and start up the box. If the box is turned back on and tha alarm light is still active then go into the alarm list and make sure the alarm hasn't gone from AA status to IA21. Once it has gone IA the alarm can be cleared. If it blows again. check the control transformer voltage to the controller..... hope this helps

  14. #14
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    its the SMV module shorting to ground underneath the quench valve. from the factory they install the module so the water that drips off the quench valve right into the wiring. hope this helps.

  15. #15
    SGTChee's Avatar
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Hello all, im currently out in the middle of no where in afganistan and I came across a Carrier transicold container with a alarm code AL15, so i read thru the manual and it tells me nothing of that code. the model is 60NT40-541-302. if anyone can tell me why this container is shutting off and displaying AL15 that would be great.

  16. #16
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    sorry back again the model number is 69NT40-541-302.....a 9 instead of a 0

  17. #17
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    ok I looked at it somemore, for one there is 543Volts coming in, and 9 amps on each leg, the quench valve is frosting over and there is a major temp difference on the filter dryer. the unit is getting power from the generator that hooks up to it on top. when the unit goes into cool mode the temp dose not go lower than 73 degrees F. All pre-trip codes pass except (auto2 mode) under P8-1 this comes up as a fail.

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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by SGTChee View Post
    ok I looked at it somemore, for one there is 543Volts coming in, and 9 amps on each leg, the quench valve is frosting over and there is a major temp difference on the filter dryer. the unit is getting power from the generator that hooks up to it on top. when the unit goes into cool mode the temp dose not go lower than 73 degrees F. All pre-trip codes pass except (auto2 mode) under P8-1 this comes up as a fail.
    hi sgtchee

    have you check refrigeration level??

    al15 is loss of cool..reefr units haven t got good performans..

    i think refrigaration level is no good..

    also txv is not good workşng?*you have to check there to much ice on the suction pipe??If there is too much ice on cuction pipe txv is not good working

    im waiting ur reply..

    see you

    reefer mechanic..

  19. #19
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by SGTChee View Post
    and there is a major temp difference on the filter dryer.
    Ding, ding, ding, ding.

  20. #20
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    once i get the some gauges to check it out, what would be the low and high scales read? could i just recover the whole refrigerant out with the robinair? the book says 10.8 lbs but the label on the compresser says 8.6 lbs and i missing something?

  21. #21
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    10 bucks says the condenser is blown...

  22. #22
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Yes it can be a supply or return sensor!

  23. #23
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Be also carefull as the motor IP is electrically connected to the controller and if the motor internal insullation is overheated the IP thermistor can ´touch´ the coils and then the controller blows away with a 440V shortcut.

  24. #24
    bjr's Avatar
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    hi there your al 52 it alarm list full coz you have some alarms that is active i mean that al 21 is power faiuler look at and you can find the alarm list for free hope that well help you

  25. #25
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    the filter dryer is blocked try changing that first before anything else

  26. #26
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    yeah i probally think its one of the sensors just check them

  27. #27
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    HI This al means you are missing supply from the transformes to the controller check all fuses and also we found that some times you have to replace the on/off switch due to bad connections inside switch

  28. #28
    tariqkaleem786's Avatar
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    Need Used Carrier Transicold Container

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Sir I need 700 units used Carrier Transicold Gen Set model 1992 – 2000.

    Kindly send me best possible rates for ex-karachi Pakistan. & condition of gen set.

    And if possible please send me pictures of gen set.

    And also send me payment term & condition detail..

    Thanks & Best Ragards
    Tariq Kaleem

  29. #29
    tariqkaleem786's Avatar
    tariqkaleem786 Guest

    Need Used Carrier Transicold Clip On Genset

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Sir I need 700 units used Carrier Transicold Clip on Gen Set model 1992 – 2000.

    Kindly send me best possible rates for ex-karachi Pakistan. & condition of gen set.

    And if possible please send me pictures of gen set.

    And also send me payment term & condition detail..

    Thanks & Best Ragards
    Tariq Kaleem

  30. #30
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    tariqkaleem786 Guest

    Need Used Carrier Transicold Clip On Genset

    Dear Sir,

    Sir I need 700 units used Carrier Transicold Clip On Gen Set model 1992 – 2000.

    Kindly send me best possible rates for ex-karachi Pakistan. & condition of gen set.

    And if possible please send me pictures of gen set.

    And also send me payment term & condition detail.

    Thanks & Best Regards

  31. #31
    jit's Avatar
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    I would not recommend changing the fuse on the controller and turning on again without first finding out what blew the fuse. You will burn out the controller most likely.
    I was involved with reefer when this alarm started occuring on scroll units 69NT40-531-001 and up, assuming this might be the same or similar model you are dealing with.
    Check the coil on the economiser solenoid valve (ESV) and you might find it is shorted.
    Go to the Carrier website as others have mentioned and under literature, click on manuals and look for the above model.
    Also check the techline bulletins for interesting articles if you deal with reefer.

  32. #32
    rigsparkie's Avatar
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Hey guys, Please I need your help. I have a transicold unit. It was running fine until it was switched off for some unlooading. upon start up, it refuses to to start and dispays an alarm which is 52; alarm list full. Looking into the alarm, I have about 12 in the list but these are just 4 alarms displayed repeatedly. The alarms are 21,26,54 and 56.
    1. I ran p5 in other to deactivate this sensor related alarm but it failed at the end of test. I cannot locate this sensor can someone help?
    2. I have checked the fuses related to alarm 21 and they are all in good condition. alarm has gone to IA21 and wont clear. Any advice will be appriciated in this please as I am in a bind now.
    I really need to start this system back up PLease any help will be appriciated.

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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by TDI View Post
    maybe thats zhe thing you are looking for

    dis so helpful i will make a copy of this thank you so much sir ^^

  34. #34
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    alarm 20,fuse 3 blown,10ampere, 69nt40-501 this is the scenario, i see alarm 20 in my unit so i change the 10ampere fuse 3, but again the fuse is blown again and again.... . . .i don't know what to do i want to have advice in this matter tnx (

  35. #35
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by kheilan View Post
    alarm 20,fuse 3 blown,10ampere, 69nt40-501 this is the scenario, i see alarm 20 in my unit so i change the 10ampere fuse 3, but again the fuse is blown again and again.... . . .i don't know what to do i want to have advice in this matter tnx (

    check you mail box

    reefer mechanic..

  36. #36
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by rigsparkie View Post
    Hey guys, Please I need your help. I have a transicold unit. It was running fine until it was switched off for some unlooading. upon start up, it refuses to to start and dispays an alarm which is 52; alarm list full. Looking into the alarm, I have about 12 in the list but these are just 4 alarms displayed repeatedly. The alarms are 21,26,54 and 56.
    1. I ran p5 in other to deactivate this sensor related alarm but it failed at the end of test. I cannot locate this sensor can someone help?

    2. I have checked the fuses related to alarm 21 and they are all in good condition. alarm has gone to IA21 and wont clear. Any advice will be appriciated in this please as I am in a bind now.
    I really need to start this system back up PLease any help will be appriciated.

    Hi my friend,

    your problem solved??? maybe too late..

    see you

    reefer mechanic

  37. #37
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by kheilan View Post
    alarm 20,fuse 3 blown,10ampere, 69nt40-501 this is the scenario, i see alarm 20 in my unit so i change the 10ampere fuse 3, but again the fuse is blown again and again.... . . .i don't know what to do i want to have advice in this matter tnx
    Quote Originally Posted by kheilan View Post
    hy all technicians
    for your probleme i think you have HTT must to changed

  38. #38
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by reefermechanic View Post

    check you mail box

    reefer mechanic..
    alarm 20,fuse 3 blown,10ampere, 69nt40-501 this is the scenario, i see alarm 20 in my unit so i change the 10ampere fuse 3, but again the fuse is blown again and again.... i'm having the same exact problem, whAT can i do? can you help me?

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    Dec 2011
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    Wink Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem alarm 56

    Hi all... I have a problem with rts sensor(3 wires)...the controller gives alarm 56, i have change the sensor with an new one, i have done P-5, and it fails 5-2 and keep showing
    alarm 56, i've change the controller and it happening the same try with another new sensor nothing change always alarm 56.
    I have checked the Continuity of the wires and its OK.

    Can it have any conflict with any other sensor of the unit??

    Anyone can help me with this stress problem?

    I have nightmares with Alarm 56?..please help

    Thanks all

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
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    Re: Carrier Transicold Container Problem alarm 56

    Problem solved
    the problem was in the controller pins Where the wires of the probe connect...

    Thanks all

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