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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Temperature and pressure monitoring


    Need a help, suggestion....

    Our Client is asking to offer/install remote monitoring of glycol temperature with digital displays in place giving a chance to operator to see the temperature without to go to control room.... 12 places

    Additionally, similar as above, to monitor suction, discharge and oil temperature and pressure on 3 pcs NH3 screw compressors (an old brewery plant with Stal screws)

    Idea is only remote monitoring with possibility to see/print trend and data acquisition/logging via separate PC.... not SCADA system...

    We are thinking about Eliwell, Carel, Danfoss .....???

    Good quality and not too expensive if exist

    Any suggestion is welcome...

    Thanks for help.

    Best regards, Josip

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Temperature and pressure monitoring

    Josip, now we are talking.....

    I recently looked in to this for one of our customers' IT suite.
    Cheapest and most tested I found...a BMS system!!

    Any of the major BMS manufacturer's will accept a wide range of sensors to be connected so you will be able to configure it to look at "bog standard refrigeration" sensors/transducers". An added bonus is that they are easily set up for web-access/dial out or sms alarms and so on.

    TREND is the biggest player over here but they are also expensive.

    PRIVA is another option.

    CYLON is one of my favourites, cheaper than Trend, open protocol and will communicate with almost anything.

    For the job I recently specified, I needed 16 points monitored. Our controls subbie came back wit a quote for the Cylon system, fully installed and commissioned (apart from the IT side of things) for just under £2000.

    On the other hand,
    There are plenty of dedicated remote monitoring kits popping up on the market like Jacarta for example. But they tend to be limited as to what type of input they will accept and to be frank, expensive for what they are...
    (In my case above I was quoted over £2000 for just the kit and programme and would then have to do the install myself)
    Other dedicated remote monitoring kits:
    Sensatronics SPOOK Temp Guard

    They are all geared up more towards temperature monitoring, but with careful selection of pressure transducers and reprogramming, should be able to do what you need.

    My preference?
    BMS, but you all ready guessed that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
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    Re: Temperature and pressure monitoring

    Hi Josip,

    Recently we had Acrex 2008 at Bangalore. There I saw the products of Dixell from Italy. They have a number of systems as required by you. You may contact or is it

    Carel has good systems, but they are expensive.

    Please let me know what you chose, as we have a similar requirement by a client for his ***** plant.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
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    Re: Temperature and pressure monitoring

    Danfoss M2 or AKC 255 will do it, the 255 has expansion capability and is VERY easy to set up and user friendly, M2 is cheaper but is limited to the number of inputs it can use, the 255 has ability to connect many different types of probes and transducers where the M2 is limited.
    ...and she said "give it to me you big fridgie"

  5. #5
    dario's Avatar
    dario Guest

    Re: Temperature and pressure monitoring

    Dear, I am from Croatia and I have good and cheap solution for your question of monitoring.
    With new Eliwell 1000 data logger.
    We install one for our client and it is perfect to monitoring and printing data...and you got also the software.

    I write on english that others can understand for more questions!

    Last edited by WebRam; 15-04-2008 at 04:52 PM. Reason: email removed

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