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  1. #1
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    Nov 2006
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    Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    I am looking for HVAC heat load/loss calculation software that provides compatability with the UK Part L building regs. I need something that will provide expected annual CO2 emmissions and running costs.
    The ability to handle multiple room selection is also important.

    Does anyone have a recommendation?

  2. #2
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    Nottingham UK
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    Re: Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    Heat gain/loss calculations have nothing to do with Building Regs.

    Part L refers to the energy efficiency of the equipment selected to handle the heat gains/losses.

    Here's a link to the Building Regs documents. If you select carefully, you can download the documents instead of purchasing them, but they print with a watermark.

    I'll try to dig out some other links as well.

    For heat gain/loss calcs we use Mistral, but there are others out there just as good. Do a site search for AC software, it should bring up quite a few links.

  3. #3
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    Re: Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    Here's another link to the second tier documents - I think this is the one you are after

  4. #4
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    Re: Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    Frank thanks for the replies.

    Part L as I understand it, now requires the installer to provide the CO2 emmissions for the equipment installed as well as seasonal efficiency energy ratio's. I may well be wrong as I am no longer living on the UK mainland, but in the Channel Islands we are now being asked to provide this info. As we tend, nay always, follow the UK lead, I assumed this was a requirement under part L. Maybe it is part of another EU directive, but that's why I'm here guys, I just dont' know. All I know is I now have to provide the information especially for new build projects and I am looking for software that will calculate both the heat loads/losses and the expected carbon emissions etc.
    Last edited by Refrigerologist; 10-03-2008 at 06:49 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    Here's a response that I received from an equipment manufacturer when I requested confirmation that their equipment complied with the 'Non Domestic Heating, Cooling And Ventilation Compliance guide'

    "With reference to your recent email, passed to me yesterday, I am sorry we did not respond sooner. The Compliance Guide was produced following detailed consultation with industry and representatives of
    Space Air and Daikin were directly involved with this process, as such, we are able to confirm that the equipment you cite is in compliance.
    However there is no requirement within the Regulations for equipment manufacturers or their distributors to provide certification. I believe it states within the documentation that building control is able to accept manufacturer's published data as 'certification'. The attached document confirms your own conclusions and should be sufficient for Building Control."

  6. #6
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    Re: Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    Many thanks for you response Frank.

    Apart from being a real-alechohlic do you have any experience of the software provided by Business Edge at all?

    I have the Mistral program, that HRP provides for free, and could upgrade for multi room calcs, but I wondered if I there is really good heat load software package out there?

    Did the comments regarding the required documentation come direct from Space Air Conditioning per chance? They are my major supplier of kit, so I have a very good relationship with them and could probably badger them for more info.

  7. #7
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    Re: Heat Load Calculations - Part L Building Regs

    I haven't used the Business Edge software so I can't offer any comment about it, although, knowing of Mike Creamer, I would expect it to be quite good.

    The answer to your other question is Yes.

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