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  1. #51
    worcs_mum68's Avatar
    worcs_mum68 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by jenipeno View Post
    my hotp[oint fridge freezer ff200e is having similar probs to the ones above .... frezer working brilliantly but fridge is warm ... i have removed both back panels and can only see bit of ice on the metal grill thing .... not a big chunk like quoted on other messages .... can anyone advise me what to do to help repair this problem as hotpoint are no help at all!
    Put it all in writing there are hundreds of complaints for this problem on the internet on many different consumer sites.

  2. #52
    worcs_mum68's Avatar
    worcs_mum68 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by 344martin View Post
    Sounds like Mr. Hotpoint is trying to blag it
    Mr Hotpoint is in trouble then, because I am not getting ripped off on a £400 fridge freezer which is supposed to be frost free when it is not and keeps breaking down. The excuses the engineers use are breathtaking. UK fridges not cut out for hot UK weather, frost free need defrosting, when its hot I get called out all the time for this etc etc.
    I am giving their head office a chance to put it right but if not they are in for a shock! If you have no warranty and the unit fails, you should still claim because it is not fit for purpose, has a design fault and should never have been sent out like it in the first place. I have read of people being charged £150 for the engineer to so call fix it with their OWN hairdrier!!!!!!!
    I am on the warpath, so WATCH OUT mr Hotpoint!!!!!!!!!

  3. #53
    worcs_mum68's Avatar
    worcs_mum68 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    In the product manual it states:-page 6. No frost cooling system. The system maintains an optimal humidity level in the compartment, preserving the original quality of food, preventing the food from sticking together and MAKING DEFROSTING A THING OF THE PAST.

    Nothing about having to defrost anything, or get a hairdrier to melt the ice block!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #54
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Go, Mum, go!!!

  5. #55
    wotawilfred's Avatar
    wotawilfred Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    I too have this problem on an FF200E which is 2 years old. Nightmare! UNTIL, I simply removed two internal panels behind the freezer drawers and found the iceberg that everyone is talking about! I simply dug a screwdriver into it a few times and dislodged it all, and finished it off with a hairdryer to defrost the rest. The result is a freezer and fridge like new! I fully accept that this is complete rubbish to have to do this but at least my FF is now working again, my milk is fresh for more than 24 hours and I don't have a slab of ice underneath the bottom drawer every few days! Defrosting like this every few weeks I'll live with if it means I don't have to throw a two year old FF away! What a dreadful design from Hotpoint!

  6. #56
    duke333's Avatar
    duke333 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    I, as everyone else, also have the same problem, and tried fixing it the way we was instructed earlier in this thread, and move the anti frosting heater thingymebob lower down the cooling thingymebob, in the back of the freezer behind the panels.

    this may have worked if i hadnt of busted the joint where the copper pipe meets the alli pipe, most of the gas spilled out, made me very light headed i might add, as i had my head right inside the thing! so bewear for that,

    so now i need to find some where to buy a R600a refill bottle then find some one with the know how in essex, to refill it after repairing the join.

    I bought this fridge about 4 years ago, it went wonky in the first six months which is when all this happend and then i put it in my mums garrage and its bin there since.

    i have now decided to get it back out and fix it, after spending 400 on a fridge you want more than 6 months use out of it.

    any other updates would be grately appreciated,

    Also worcs_mum68.... you go girl!
    what has been the outcome?

    (appologies for my spelling)

  7. #57
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Over 18,000 views & counting !!!

    What kind of rubbish are Hotpoint knocking out here !!

    Where's Annette Robinson When you need her....

    All i can say is you can't go wrong with a Miele

  8. #58
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    right!!!looks like you have come across a problem...even my FF does this lol.
    There is a cure, a more powerful defrost heater, foil tape and a new file for the power board to extend the defrost times, BUT you have got to find out where the ice is coming from, they either iceball from the evap, or the drain hole ices up, both require different repairs.

  9. #59
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    duke, have u got vac gear?the evaps are very awkward to fix

  10. #60
    Proterra's Avatar
    Proterra Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    First posting is a me too post. FF200E suffered warm fridge syndrome @ about 14 months contacted independent repairer who would not take job but suggested turn off for 24hr and that might fix it. It did, that was about 4 months ago and warm fridge problem has now reappeared again. Only 12 hours to go before switch on.....
    Found this forum thanks to google hopefully other will also and perhaps as suggested combined action against Hotpoint or even pressure on sellers in first instance.

  11. #61
    lpl's Avatar
    lpl Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault


    thank god i've found somebody else with this problem, my FF200E also blocked up andreading all threads i found the blockage, and defosted, all now seems OK except for the three lights (super freeze and cool) that now flash like a firework display and have done so for 5 days.
    After a coerrected the Freeze up (which looked like the film " the day after tomorrow" i powered up and pressed the buttons but they are still on, should i have done something else or left it off a bit longer? Hey Guys it would also be good to hear from you ,if hotpoint has fixed probem with new models and share these phone numbers that some have found

  12. #62
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    turn the dials off, then back on again, should clear the lights bud

  13. #63
    chwoott's Avatar
    chwoott Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Hi all!
    I also have the'famous' hotpoint ff200e with the same problem...warm fridge, cold freezer.
    on checking the forum, i tried taking off the panel at the back of the freezer and there was no ice at all behind it. a bit stumped. anyone have any other ideas?

  14. #64
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    is the fan running?also the baffle could be closed

  15. #65
    chwoott's Avatar
    chwoott Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    hi carl
    forgive my ignorance....can't hear a fan at the moment....where would it be situated? also where is the baffle so that i can check it?
    thanks for your help.

  16. #66
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    the fan is behind the panel in the back of the freezer, and the baffle is behind the panel in the fridge, both controlled by thermistors, if u turn both dials off then the right dial on, off, on, off should go into self test, fan should run, baffle open, defrost heater come on comp run ect

  17. #67
    AlannTH's Avatar
    AlannTH Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    My Problem is with the Hotpoint FF175B, model. I bought it for my mother from perfect homes in 2006, First month it broke down, problem was the chip board above the door panel, broke again same problem was replaced with another, again it broke engee told me it was second hand the replacement, so fitted a new one. 2 weeks later the fridge started getting warm and the freezer was ok, had to wait 3 weeks for engineer to come out he thawed the freezer said it was a build up of ice on the back panel. I could go on but ill cut to the chase. a further 14 visits with the same problem during the 7th visit they fitted a thermostat, the engineer told me it was a design fault in these fridges. Had them out many times since they claim the thermostat was not correctly fitted, so they fitted it again, that failed. I am now to the point where the fridge has gone out of warrenty by a month and I now once a week take off back panel myself to thaw it out. Perfect homes got so fed up with the complaints with this fridge that they stopped sending emails to hotpoint for engineer callouts. I need a new fridge and it will never be hotpoint ever again. The standard of repairs and customer services is, I wont say I want to keep this civil. How can they sell faulty equipment like this and then send repairmen out who have little ideas how to repair a design fault.

    Alan T.

  18. #68
    Alltouraine's Avatar
    Alltouraine Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    I too have had cooling problems with the FF200eg, and if it wasnt for this forum I would have spent good hard earned cash for a service engineer to remove the block of ice behind the freezer panel. All seems well now, and remember if you are going to remove the ice yourself your fridge has about an 8min time delay.

  19. #69
    craig73's Avatar
    craig73 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    well now at least I know that its not just my FF200, loved the look of this model when in the showroom, but since I have plugged it in it really has gone down hill fast.
    Same problem with small puddles appearing at freezer door ends, fan seems noisy and runs constantly and the bottom draw doesn't seem to allow you to get it out much (excellent for my wife's diet).
    Any suggestions on fixing all the above will be greatly appreciated and I'm also on board if Hotpoint needs another customer to moan at them.

  20. #70
    hp7166's Avatar
    hp7166 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Hi Guys

    I have the same issue as everyone else, warm fridge freezer fine, had a engineer come out last night cleared the blockage of ice but is still warm. He took off the fridge panel and suspected the flap but after reading some posts it seems it not that.

    Is there anything else this could be or where do i start



  21. #71
    mr_rob's Avatar
    mr_rob Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    we have a small leak under the fridge (seems to be during night).
    it also makes more of a rattling noise when the engine runs.
    the fridge is cold as normal and the freezer freezing, but reading here and taking into account the leak / rattle should we take action?

    what exactly should be done?
    are there guides/ photos of how to do this?


  22. #72
    spriitzer's Avatar
    spriitzer Guest

    Angry Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by fredalfred View Post
    I previously posted problem of Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer I purchased August 2007, product developed a problem in October with the fridge getting warm and the freezer getting to cold, service engineer came out, removed a panel and cleared fridge duct of ice blockage with a hair dryer and suggested we turn off the fridge freezer for a few hours every few weeks to avoid ice build up. Now have the same problem again and waiting a service engineer again under warranty. Have requested replacement product of a different model from Hotpoint, Hotpoint tell me I can have a replacement if the engineer can not repair the problem. Problem is the engineer may simply remove the panel use the hair dryer and claim the fridge freezer is repaired and working again, 3 months later I will no doubt have the same problem if thats the case. I think the FF200E has a basic problem with the technology having seen other postings on the web complaining of the same fault, can anyone suggest a good replacement Hotpoint product and advise on potential problem of service engineer insisting the fridge freezer is repaired and working ok,

    Bit late with this response guys, so apologies! I have this Hotpoint Model Fridge/Freezer. Been working fine for the last two and a half years, but about 6 months ago the fridge began getting warm. Called out the Hotpoint engineer, who diagnosed the problem as ice forming in the freezer.

    HIS answer to the problem wasn't a hairdryer though. It was to take a HAMMER from his toolkit and smash the ice!!! Unfortunately, he also cracked the backplate, and I've now waited a month for a new one. He said the unit didn't really need the plastic backplate to operate. Called it a baffle. Sure as hell baffled me lol!!!!

    Told me to leave the fridge/freezer off for "at least 48 hours" to allow all the ice to melt thoroughly. Actually left the unit off for 72 hours to make doubly sure. Obviously didn't do the food in there much good though.

    All was well until a couple of days ago, when the fridge ceased to chill once more. Turned the unit off for 5 hours yesterday (again, doing the food a LOT of good), and back on again. All working well it seems. Until WHEN though?

    I don't relish the thought of having to turn my fridge/freezer off every few weeks for 5 or more hours, and am now looking to replace the darned thing. Will probably not buy another frost-free model, because of the experience I've had with this Hotpoint version. What a shame!

  23. #73
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    It is not shame on fridge. It is shame on hack of your service engineer.
    He should repair defrost function and not to convert frost free in to ordinary fridge.
    Did you helped with reluctance to pay price for full repair?

    And how do you think to deice non frost-free model without stopping it (end defrosting) every few weeeks?
    Last edited by nike123; 23-11-2010 at 06:45 PM.

  24. #74
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Thought the Hotpoint Engineer would have posted this. Known fault on the full range ( FF187/200 HOTPOINTS AND BAN134/144 INDESITS )
    The gap below the evap blocks up solid with ice.
    Parts for the modification are listed as follows to cure this fault
    After production serial number 71008
    DEFROST HEATER KIT - C00259475
    LINK HARNESS ASSY - C00141294

    If the serial number is before 71008 the harness and gutter are the same part numbers but the defrost heater kit is C00259476
    The new gutter heater fits up into the air duct to keep it clear and the defrost heater kit has extra passes and a new elth defrost stat/thermal fuse. The extra passes hang loose in the void down to the drain hole and keep the ice clear. The link harness is used to add the new gutter heater and defrost heater together. Next time Hotpoint come out or you have to ring them, just quote the parts to them. In theory, the appliance had a fault from new so the trading standards 6 year rule would apply.

    Been fitting these kits for the last couple of years to cure this fault. Hotpoint will not admit anything over the phone but we have done shed loads.

  25. #75
    RogerioHessel's Avatar
    RogerioHessel Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by cameraman View Post
    Thought the Hotpoint Engineer would have posted this. Known fault on the full range ( FF187/200 HOTPOINTS AND BAN134/144 INDESITS )
    The gap below the evap blocks up solid with ice.
    Parts for the modification are listed as follows to cure this fault
    After production serial number 71008
    DEFROST HEATER KIT - C00259475
    LINK HARNESS ASSY - C00141294

    If the serial number is before 71008 the harness and gutter are the same part numbers but the defrost heater kit is C00259476
    The new gutter heater fits up into the air duct to keep it clear and the defrost heater kit has extra passes and a new elth defrost stat/thermal fuse. The extra passes hang loose in the void down to the drain hole and keep the ice clear. The link harness is used to add the new gutter heater and defrost heater together. Next time Hotpoint come out or you have to ring them, just quote the parts to them. In theory, the appliance had a fault from new so the trading standards 6 year rule would apply.

    Been fitting these kits for the last couple of years to cure this fault. Hotpoint will not admit anything over the phone but we have done shed loads.
    Hi cameraman,
    I am new to this forum and have the very same problem with my FF200EP.
    I have recently moved back to Brazil and took with me all my household belongings. The FF200EP (3 years old) was running well until 2 months ago when the problem began to happen weekly, so I have been going through the defrosting process by removing the back panel of the freezer.

    This FF200EP's s/n is 706190422, hence I searched for the parts you listed on your post.

    I found the following at
    1 - D/frost Htr Kit 148w C/o=df Stat/72°c by Indesit
    Stock Code YS58968
    Manufacturer Number C00259476

    2 - Service Gutter Htr ( Rf) by Indesit
    Stock Code YS50593
    Manufacturer Number C00140585

    3 - Gutter Heater Link Harness by Indesit
    Stock Code YS50815
    Manufacturer Number C00141294

    Are these parts the correct ones? It is going to cost me £110 plus delivery to Brazil so I want to get it right.

    It would be very appreciated if you could post a picture of these parts installed into the freezer or a diagram showing the installation.

    Thanks for your help.

  26. #76
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    OK, there it is!
    georgeh has a been on a massive posting spree, it could only be so they could get 15 posts so they could post a link, and here it is!

  27. #77
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    A red dot, don't think i've come across one untill now, well done..
    To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.

  28. #78
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Don't know how those infractions work, automated in some way.

    Still, the system here normally just edits the posts, leaving the thread bumps all over the place. Not aggressive enough, these spammers need smiting(?) Smite the spammers
    It's nothing like another non trade forum I read, over 13000 members banned since 1999. Got to pay ten bux for it though and the owner felt bad taking peoples money, so now just gives out probations for idiots and only bans the real tools.
    but over 13000 people who paid $10 to join were big enough idiots to get banned.
    But because of probations, only 3 banned today. It must have been a slow day...
    Quite ironic using imageshack to show a screenshot of these forums. But I guess my point is the internet forums are a harsh place that needs more smiting, deleting, and banning

  29. #79
    Brian_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by paul_h View Post
    Don't know how those infractions work, automated in some way.
    It's all down to us poor shmucks, the moderators, to handle.

    You are king enough to report some of these pain in the arses but otherwise we have to waste time searching them ourselves.

    The forum is getting updated as we write so things should improve, hopefully.

    As far as the infraction does it is up us to decide what level should be applied, some are just warnings, other provide loss of service to the user for varying time periods; the red one is end of service.

    Also the mods do not have privileges over all sections at the moment, it's being changed, so although we can do some bits we may not be able to delete a post; we have to wait on our mates.....

    Anyway, , post over, sorry to high jack.

    Brian - Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
    Retired March 2015

  30. #80
    Ballab61's Avatar
    Ballab61 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Had the same problem over the weekend - Stripped down cleared ICE and drain - checked Fan worked to distribute cool air to upper compartment working ok. Was lucky not to lose any food as was quick doing the job - I think previous quote replacing the Defrost heater and sensors that come with it sound like the trick. Even so its a poor Job - had this for 3 years. The other suggestions saying do not overfill as this will block airflow in the Freezer compartment, did not have problems until my new partner filled the compartments right up.

  31. #81
    paddyboy's Avatar
    paddyboy Guest

    Angry Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    hi been reading all the quotes above about all the problems everyone has with this model.

    my problem is that the freezer is going perfect its the fridge part at the top that dosent seem to be cooling anything there seems to be no cold air coming out.
    i have stripped the bottom of the freezer out and used a hair dryer to defrost it all but still the same
    problem at the fridge end.

    be obliged if some can help or show me what i need to change or do to fix this problem.

    thanks for any help.

  32. #82
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    If anyone needs Technical bulletin for these email me at

  33. #83
    gary311098's Avatar
    gary311098 Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by paddyboy View Post
    hi been reading all the quotes above about all the problems everyone has with this model.

    my problem is that the freezer is going perfect its the fridge part at the top that dosent seem to be cooling anything there seems to be no cold air coming out.
    i have stripped the bottom of the freezer out and used a hair dryer to defrost it all but still the same
    problem at the fridge end.

    be obliged if some can help or show me what i need to change or do to fix this problem.

    thanks for any help.

    how i fixed the problem ?
    the problem is basically of drain choke due excessive ice accumalation over a period of time , with the defrost heating element not able to provide sufficient heat exchange to melt the ice in defrost cycle being controlled by defrost sensor .
    change the sensor location to increace defrost cycle time , instead of sensing coil temp , relocate it to sense only evap air temperature thereby increase in defrost time ---- more melting of ice
    more wattage / resistance heater means more energy units , design a heater so as to increase its surface contact with the ice at the bottom of evaporater like two heater coils in bottom or w loop in bottom
    use a foil heater in the drip tray where drain hole is located to melt the ice from bottom and sides
    increase drain hole dia
    copper\al wire 3 inches down the hole (free end) , other end coiled to surface of defrost heater
    thats how i fixed it .

  34. #84
    missfaith's Avatar
    missfaith Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Hi thanks very much for your advice you saved me a lot of money and the job took all of half an hour, but i noticed on the drain hole there is a slight ridge before entering maybe causing the first few drips of water to freeze forming a barrier causing it to freeze, but thanks for all your advice and now i can have a cold beer.

  35. #85
    nickgur's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    I have the same Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer which had been fine for about 3 years but now it has started to leave a puddle on the floor and ice build up under the bottom draw in the freezer compartment. .
    I assume from reading this forum it is a blocked drain hole, can someone please confirm this please.

  36. #86
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    yes you have a blocked drainage hole with ice. hang a length of copper wire from the bottom of the defrost heater and put the other end down the drainage hole. when the heater comes on it defrosts the hole aswell.

  37. #87
    skc's Avatar
    skc Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    hi i have had the same problem for the past year,i feel let down by hotpoint,for selling sub standard items such as this i wondered if anyone had conntacted watchdog about this ,the engineers just take the freezer back panel off wack the ice and tell me its sorted,so have had enough and purchased a new one,but have still kept the old one at mo,as too good to chuck but not good enough to sell with the on going problem.

  38. #88
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    You dont need to chuck these fridges yes they had design fault same as 70% of domestic refrigeration on the market, you only need to spend few pounds to get these running correct, not the bodge it way of putting copper wire down drain hole like some Bodge it and Scarper companies.. with the correct info and parts anyone with bit of common sense should be able to fix there fridge..

  39. #89
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    tonto33 i gave him a way to fix the problem not offer to send him tech details off someone else that he wont understand. No wonder so many people have arguements on here with idiots like you around. Your post did not help anyone so what was the point of it

  40. #90
    benwimpory's Avatar
    benwimpory Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Cool freezer - warm fridge - just removed my ice block and my fridge is now cooling to 1 degree C :-) Thanks to others for posting on this thread.

    For anyone else reading not trained in fridge repair, make sure you pull off the second panel with the fan to reveal the cooling element - at 11pm at night this second panel confused me for a while. All in, took around 30 minutes to remove the panels and hair dryer the block off.

    Have also bought a thermometer with an alarm to let me know when it needs doing again. Sure beats paying >£100 to "engineers".

  41. #91
    welsha's Avatar
    welsha Guest

    Thumbs up Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Yet another of the same problem.....Warm Fridge, Cold freezer..

    Owned the FF200E for about 3 years and never had a problem with it until today.

    Having found this forum and read all the posts i removed the panels in the freezer compartment to find that it was totally blocked with ice. I have managed too remove all the ice and i am now waiting to see if the fridge will cool again.

    Thanks to all for the posts on here.


  42. #92
    MARROW's Avatar
    MARROW Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Quote Originally Posted by cameraman View Post
    Thought the Hotpoint Engineer would have posted this. Known fault on the full range ( FF187/200 HOTPOINTS AND BAN134/144 INDESITS )
    The gap below the evap blocks up solid with ice.
    Parts for the modification are listed as follows to cure this fault
    After production serial number 71008
    DEFROST HEATER KIT - C00259475
    LINK HARNESS ASSY - C00141294

    If the serial number is before 71008 the harness and gutter are the same part numbers but the defrost heater kit is C00259476
    The new gutter heater fits up into the air duct to keep it clear and the defrost heater kit has extra passes and a new elth defrost stat/thermal fuse. The extra passes hang loose in the void down to the drain hole and keep the ice clear. The link harness is used to add the new gutter heater and defrost heater together. Next time Hotpoint come out or you have to ring them, just quote the parts to them. In theory, the appliance had a fault from new so the trading standards 6 year rule would apply.

    Been fitting these kits for the last couple of years to cure this fault. Hotpoint will not admit anything over the phone but we have done shed loads.
    Hi newbie here,
    just had independent engineer out to do the above mod,only problem is the plug on the link harness does not fit the plug in the freezer,the freezer plug has spaded connectors while the link harness has round pins,is there an adaptor available or could someone advise on a solution please
    many thanks

  43. #93
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    I posted a long while ago about the same problem with mine. Started off with pools of water near the fridge freezer. Then ice build up at the back of the freezer and then a couple of days ago the fridge was just warm. I have been asking my husband to have a look at it and follow the advice on here for a good while but it was only when the fridge stopped working he decided to do something about it.

    We have decided we have had enough and wanted a new fridge freezer. Unfortunately the one that I fell in love with is out of stock.

    Has anyone noticed any pattern for how long it will work for once all the ice has been got rid of?

  44. #94
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Off topic - needed removing
    Last edited by chillerman2006; 08-09-2011 at 03:52 PM.
    If the World did not Suck, We would all fall off !

  45. #95
    sjcaunt's Avatar
    sjcaunt Guest

    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    ive been reading with great intrest all the posts about the ff200e as the fridge seems to have packed up on mine ie getting warm, im now in the process of defrosting it but am having great difficulty removing the panel from the back of the freezer. I have removed the 3 screws but it wont budge can anyone throw some light on this for me?

  46. #96
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    email me at and will send u details of how to access fridge

  47. #97
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    Smile Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Had the problem mentioned of small pools of water in front of the freezer with ice forming at the base of the freezer. So pleased I found this forum, as followed the instructions to remove the back panel inside the freezer and the panel with the fan behind it and then defrost the ice in the drain hole and flush it through with boiling water.
    To get it to fully drain properly needed to go round to the back of the freezer and see where the water drained out and squeeze the tube there to although some fluff to drain through.

    Freezer seems to be ok now so far.

    I had phoned Hotpoint and the cheapest call out option was £105!

    So well happy today

  48. #98
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    Nov 2011
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Hello all.

    I too have had this problem - fridge warm, freezer too cold. I bought my FF200E two months ago second-hand "refurbished" for £150 and thought I'd been done over when I noticed this fault. Thanks to all who have posted here! I have followed the advice, switched back on and now just waiting to see if the fridge cools...

    Quote Originally Posted by sjcaunt View Post
    ive been reading with great intrest all the posts about the ff200e as the fridge seems to have packed up on mine ie getting warm, im now in the process of defrosting it but am having great difficulty removing the panel from the back of the freezer. I have removed the 3 screws but it wont budge can anyone throw some light on this for me?
    The above also had me stumpped for a while, there are 3 screws that you can see and another 3 longer ones set deep in the larger holes, you will need a long driver to get them out. Panel will then come out. The second panel just has little clips on the edge, a flat-blade driver might be handy to releasing these.

  49. #99
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    Service engineer arrived and removed the ice blockage and carried out a modification to relocate the defrost heating element to prevent the icing, the engineer was great and took the trouble to explain the reason for the fault and modification. Seems Hotpoint were aware of the problem and came out with a simple corrective action that makes sense, just a pity they were not more proactive and arranged the modification before they had customer complaint, however I am now confident the issue is resolved but only time will tell.


  50. #100
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    Re: Hotpoint FF200E Fridge Freezer Fault

    I have got somewhere with this now!

    I ran some built in diagnostics and have come up with fault code F25, Freezer evaporator NTC sensor
    open / short circuit.
    Is this the Evap thermister that I keep reading about?
    If so does anyone know where I can get one at reasonable cost?
    I had a lot of trouble confirming which was the correct item on the hotpoint spares website. I called them and they were as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
    I'm happy to buy the part but I need to confirm that I have identified the correct one.

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