View Full Version : heat recovery wheel

11-10-2007, 02:56 AM
hi guys,
im new at heat recovery wheels,if some do have a complete technical manual, operation or service manual will highly appreciated...

and, our dehumidifier is the air handling unit itself, it just open fully as the humidity reaches the set point.will this be effective?we dont have humidity sensors at the supply air...only at fresh air..

one more pls?
how accurate the digital humidity sensors?im planning to purchase one...any suggestions?


12-10-2007, 12:48 AM
Well you could start here for some basic information....

I'm not sure what your de-humidifier is and when you 'it is open' I do not understand you wording. Could you please explain a little more.

Digital sensors are normally quite reliable and accurate.

You should have sensors after the humidifier so that maximum and minimum conditions can be monitored.

12-10-2007, 01:45 AM

our de-humidifier is the air handling unit itself,we dont use heaters.our setting is 60% RH. when the humidity reaches the set point, motorized valve of the air handling unit will fully open,letting the chilled water flow continously,until ambient humidity is less than the setting...in this case, we dnt have humidity sensor at the supply side...

my question is,this type of de-humidifier is effective?

many thanks.