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22-06-2006, 11:13 AM
Hello there, Iwas reading a very suspisious story in my daily paper which said 'The Swedes' Invented the first Zipper, Computer Mouse, Pacemaker and the first ever FRIDGE !!
Does anyone think there is any truth in this? or is it a load of B-S !!! :eek:

22-06-2006, 11:25 PM
The first known artificial refrigeration was demonstrated by William Cullen at the University of Glasgow in 1748. However, he did not use his discovery for any practical purpose. In 1805, an American inventor, Oliver Evans, designed the first refrigeration machine. The first practical refrigerating machine was built by Jacob Perkins (http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bljacobperkins.htm) in 1834; it used ether in a vapor compression cycle. An American physician, John Gorrie, built a refrigerator based on Oliver Evans' design in 1844 to make ice to cool the air for his yellow fever patients. German engineer Carl von Linden, patented not a refrigerator but the process of liquifying gas in 1876 that is part of basic refrigeration technology.

22-06-2006, 11:35 PM
Hello there, Iwas reading a very suspisious story in my daily paper which said 'The Swedes' Invented the first Zipper, Computer Mouse, Pacemaker and the first ever FRIDGE !!
Does anyone think there is any truth in this? or is it a load of B-S !!! :eek:

dunno about that, but they did invent the 'oh pair girl' (however you spell it)....lol

US Iceman
23-06-2006, 01:50 AM
What was the question again?

I have not gotten past the t-shirt yet.:D

23-06-2006, 03:37 AM
The zipper, yes. The computer mouse, I thought was an idea that Apple stole from... one of the larger organizations... Honeywell? HP? Don't remember. Douglas C. Engelbart from the US gets most credit for the mouse. Perhaps "Engelbart" is a Swedish name?

Of course, my favorite is the invention of dynamite by the person who's legacy is the Nobel Peace Prize.

25-08-2006, 10:36 AM
here is some history on who invented R12

Thomas Midgley, Jr from GM invented R12 , he then sold it to dupont , who put a patent on it , from R12 he had a waxy bi product , but did not know what it was.

He put it on the shelf and forgot about it , a friend of his was having trouble with a surface that things would stick to , he went to his shelf , got the bi product ,
and this is now what we know as Teflon.

Maybe useless information , but i found quite interesting

25-08-2006, 12:39 PM
Being the inventor of CFCs, Midgley previously invented a method for mass producing tetra-ethyl lead as an additive for petrol.

In environmental terms, a double-whammy.

He is said to have developed Polio in later life and strangled himself on a wires-and-pullies contraption that he devised for getting in and out of bed unaided.

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