View Full Version : How to calculate properly massflow of water with a given air humidity and velocity?

Kristof Papp
08-10-2017, 02:29 AM

Lets say there is an airflow
its velocity : 0.59 m/s
area of flow : 0.13m^2
volume flow : 0.077m3/s
relative humidity measured : 33.5 %
temp : 22 C

I could calculate mass "mixing" ratio of the air:
X= 1g(h2o)/180g(dry air)
formula i found here (http://www.vaisala.fi/Vaisala%20Documents/Application%20notes/Humidity_Conversion_Formulas_B210973EN-F.pdf) on page 10.

I could also calculate "absolute humidity" with the formula on page 12 :
AH=6.3 g/m3

So the question is : Which should i use in calculation of water mass flow? (kgwater/h)
mass flow equation is : m=ϱ*A*v

the AH has the same unit as ϱ. Calculating as m=AH*A*v , i get 1.76 kg/h, which seems legit.

But is there a way to calculate "m" from that mixing ratio?
like i tried putting the X in the equation like m=ϱwater*X*A*v , but got very bad results.

Thanks for help!