View Full Version : question about VAV system

26-06-2016, 07:04 PM
Hello everyone

Do the outdoor air of the supply air must be ensured to a suitable value under peak load condition to maintain the quality of air?

Is It same under the full load condition?

can the outdoor air be regarded as the supply air ? if it is not, why do we need the outdoor air requirement?

Thank you
sorry for my poor english

26-06-2016, 10:10 PM
Outdoor air is used to help control conditions and also to provide fresh air.

07-07-2016, 06:03 PM
Hey leochan. A lot of buildings will have co2 sensors in the return air if that gets too high it will let.fresh air in. Australian standard is around 10 l/s per person of freah air. Thia atops people from getting drowsy