View Full Version : simple stuff

25-04-2014, 04:23 PM
Hi guys
Sorry for d basic q's
What should my pressures be on a small display chiller? Setpoint 2c gas 404.
Also another similar cabinet chill slight ice build up at start of evap coil could this be low in gas or just because d fridge is empty ?

The Viking
25-04-2014, 10:08 PM
the pressure should be 123456578...

Yepp, it could be low on charge... Could also be a myriad of other things.

To start with you need to check the running conditions of your system, discharge & suction pressures, Subcooling and Superheat, air on /air off evaporator & condenser and so on.

Then, and only then, can we make judgement on how the system is operating and why.
