View Full Version : Charging of the system through the low side.

question mark
02-02-2014, 10:28 AM
Hi Guys,

Today I was reading the refrigerant handling code of good practice 2007 and it says under the charging of refrigerant .

All self contained low charge systems are not required to be charged into the low side of the system.

My worry is that if you cant charge into the low side of the system then how will you charge the system. as high side will have high pressure and gas will not go into the system.

Please help because i have always charged system on the low side.

Thanks All help appreciated

Rob White
02-02-2014, 11:29 AM

Once the system is running you will struggle to charge
into the high side as you say because of the pressures
(unless you use a recovery machine to push the refrigerant in).

But I think what they are saying on the code of good practice
you are referring to is that most small splits are capable
of taking liquid in the suction because they tend to be heat pumps
and will have suction accumulators to protect the comps.

But you need to know your equipment and different systems work differently.

In my opinion good practice would keep liquid away from the suction at all costs.




02-02-2014, 07:25 PM
Also when first charging a system you will be using the vacuum in the system to draw the refrigerant in.

monkey spanners
02-02-2014, 10:34 PM
Small systems you can dump the whole charge in as liquid, so long as you give the system time for the refrigerant to migrate throughout the system before turning it on, so in that case you could dump it all in the high side of a non operational system.

question mark
03-02-2014, 10:09 AM
will try dump method this time.

Thanks a lot guys.