View Full Version : Toshiba c05 fault

13-08-2013, 11:00 AM

I have come to a central controller mod. TCB-sc42TLE2 & at 1st it had numerous faults which i didnt get a chance to see because my mate killed the power to the controller & reset it. When powered back up some units appear straight away & some take a few hours to appear. After a while some units sow a p30 fault then eventually all units show c05 fault.....i think it could be wired incorrectly, any ideas????

install monkey
13-08-2013, 08:31 PM
click on link above for sm service manual
C05 Sending error in TCC-Link central control device
C06 Receiving error in TCC-Link central control device
another manual- :)

13-08-2013, 08:58 PM
c05 is indoor unit power off -usually