View Full Version : Company Merge Contract Advice!!!

25-05-2013, 10:33 AM
Hi all, i am in the process of merging my company with another, I am entering with a lot more clients than the other party but deciding to merge for other reasons, I have been told by various business owners to get a contract drawn up stating that if the partnership did fail and we went back to our old companies that I and the other party could retain the clients we entered the partnership with and the other party could not poach or carry out work for the others clients, basically if I want to part I want the customers that I originally had and vice versa, has anybody had any experience with this and how effective could this contract be? I just want to know that I have a safeguard if things don't work out, any advice will be much appreciated, thanks :eek:

25-05-2013, 12:55 PM
Consult a solicitor

monkey spanners
25-05-2013, 01:46 PM
I don't see how you can stop customers calling who they want to, they are not 'your' customers, you are their contractor unless the decide otherwise.

Seems to me if you split up again, the customers would follow who they liked best, so the thing to do is be better than the other guy!

25-05-2013, 02:37 PM

Feel free to contact me.