View Full Version : Maggot's life cycle

05-10-2012, 06:40 PM
The life cycle of a blow fly maggot.

Has anyone out there got info how temperature affects the larval stage of a maggot.
I think typical life time of the larval stage is 4 -5 days at about 20 C. what would be a suitable storage temperature and how does this affect the life span before they turn to pupa?


05-10-2012, 10:01 PM
I don't think that it has a simple answer but I could be wrong...

Many reports via Google....

06-10-2012, 10:23 PM
I was into match fishing during the seventies and bred my hook maggots.
Picked up roadkill and always set it in the shade to encourage house flys as opposed to bluebottles,much softer for hook bait.
I also held some until they turned to chrysalis as they were good hook bait in winter.
Usually came off the meat after 7 to 10 days depending on weather,when temps were low it made it very difficult.they would come off the meat early and be small.
Maggot farm a few miles away has to heat his place to get them active and keep growing in the winter,now visiting that is an eye opener!
Once they are off the meat they were transfered intp bran to get rid of the ammonia and polsih the skins up,they were pretty clean after and didn't really smell,some very very keen anglwrs would hold a few in their mouth on cold days to warm them up and make them more active :eek: so the fish would notice the activity.

Fridge temp of 2 c would really slow their developement amd they would stay in the lava state foe a couple of weeks before turning into pupe,when in pupa state they would agin lst a couple of weeks.
Would say at 20c ish they would be 2 to 3 weeks from eggs to flys.

10-10-2012, 06:03 PM
thanks for the info ..... Strangely the bait shop man doesn't have any idea either