View Full Version : new member

12-09-2012, 07:15 AM
Hi all,

new to the forum. I'm building a new cold storage in China and could use a lot of help as I have no experience in this field. We are currently in the process of buying the land in China. Are there any books or other kinds of resources about building/designing cold storage?


Sandro Baptista
12-09-2012, 09:03 AM
Hi ac23,

Check on the internet. Believe me you will find a lot of information.

Sandro Baptista
12-09-2012, 09:03 AM
...and welcome to our forum...

12-09-2012, 09:13 AM
Hi, ac23 :)

Hi all,

new to the forum. I'm building a new cold storage in China and could use a lot of help as I have no experience in this field. We are currently in the process of buying the land in China. Are there any books or other kinds of resources about building/designing cold storage?


welcome to RE forums...

Try Google and you will find a lot of links to files and documents related to cold store design ... my warm suggestion is to search RE forums first (tags- cold store design and construction, insulation, panels, compressors) .... here you can find a lot of helpful links.... then you can investigate complete matter by yourself

.... with all my respect to you this is not an easy task ... need a lot of time to study so many things .... and finally you can found yourself confused ;)

Here is one good link to give you some idea .... http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/V3630E/v3630e08.htm

Then you can start here with some general question/s ... but you need to know in general what you want to build up so we can give you some general advices regarding cold store of different type ... like for vegetables or meat or fish or slaughterhouse or mixed, size, general info about place for weather conditions ... etc ....

check this thread .... http://www.refrigeration-engineer.com/forums/showthread.php?36748-Cold-Storage-Design

Another suggestion is ... to hire some consultant, but be careful, those days everybody became a specialist .... few clicks on Google and they are selling quasi-knowledge

... then you will receive a piles of offers from, dare to say, very aggressive manufacturers offering the best product ever made with very attractive price ....

anyhow, if you are in doubt, you can always recheck some-things here on RE forums...

Good luck and hope this is of some help to you...

Best regards, Josip :)

12-09-2012, 09:32 AM
use the search function here

14-09-2012, 10:08 AM
i have done some reading and figure it would be a good idea to hire a consultant to assist with the project. What would be the best way to find an experienced consultant??

A little more background of the project. The land that we just bought is 3 hectares. The cold room will be used to store fruits and vegetables. We plan to have about 40 rooms and have the capacity to hold 10000 pallets.

15-09-2012, 10:30 AM
i have done some reading and figure it would be a good idea to hire a consultant to assist with the project. What would be the best way to find an experienced consultant??

A little more background of the project. The land that we just bought is 3 hectares. The cold room will be used to store fruits and vegetables. We plan to have about 40 rooms and have the capacity to hold 10000 pallets.
Obviously a large scale project that is going to need a lot of thought put into the planning stages.
Approximately 250 pallets per room of product that spoils easily. That means a quick turn over of produce.
Also means varied minimum temperature settings for specific fruit and vegetables, EG: Red Tomatoes = 6 degrees C, while Broccoli needs near 1 degree C to stay fresh. Humidity and air flow through the pallets + even air flow will play a big part in maintaining product stability during it's stay.

Something that is over looked with Fruit n veg, (and critical with fresh cut Flowers in a coldroom) is the "Ripe" factor. Anything, especially Bananas, that have reached their prime, will affect everything in that room with gasses emitted and cause a flow on effect to spoil produce.

The Fruit and veg rooms i look after in this area are only a fraction of the size of what you are planning but the principal is the same...Mike.