View Full Version : capacitor temperature

11-08-2012, 06:07 PM
Hello to all my friends!!
The question I would like to be answered is what is the right operating temperature for a RUN capacitor?
Recently a colleague of me, had issues with an a/c (outdoor unit).The outdoor unit was burnt and the capacitor was the problem.The capacitor was melted due to both extended temperature and operating use and finally, the whole unit was put up on fire. Have you ever faced such issues?Thanks a lot!

Yuri B.
14-08-2012, 04:29 PM
Not-extreme temperatures are normal for them.
They fail often (probably 1 of 50-100 in few years, in our mild climate), usually melting by that. I would recommend replacement after some 5 years. Also, check voltage and the protective devices.

15-08-2012, 08:43 AM
9237This is a good volcano effect of run cap. I think they are rated with operating temp but can't remember if it's 110 or 65 degC. Most of the failed ones I have found are due to loose crimp connections. I found these http://www.illinoiscapacitor.com/tech-center/life-calculators.aspx for life/temp range & http://brunswickwinair.com/ac-motor-run-capacitors/ for a little description of temp rating and life. Sorry the photo is so big it's the first one I put on a post.

15-08-2012, 10:06 AM
very useful information!that issue is very important since that error can cause serious problems to both home owners and contractors.