View Full Version : Final Exam

29-04-2012, 04:30 PM
I've got a question! I need to plot the following data on a psychrometric chart and answer a few questions. And I need HELP!
The total load in the conditioned space is equal to 320 mBh with a sensible heat ratio equal to 0.90. Outside air equal to 20% of the blower air volume will be used for ventilation. The space setpoint is 75 degrees F db, 45% relative humidity. The outdoor air is 90 degrees F db, 78 degrees F wb. :confused:
Now; mixed air temperature is 78 degrees F db, 65 degrees F wb. What is the off coil temperature (db & wb)? :confused:
What is the blower cfm required?
What relative humidity level will be maintained if the off coil dry bulb temperature is 5 degrees F warmer than the optimum off coil air temperature? _____% :confused:
What relative humidity level will be maintained if the off coil dry bulb temperature is 5 degrees F cooler than the optimum off coil air temperature? ______% :confused:

Thank you very much! :D

30-04-2012, 02:28 AM
Try www.thepetrostreet.com (http://www.thepetrostreet.com)

30-04-2012, 03:56 AM
What you’re asking for is completely unethical.

I will post a step by step answer in exactly 30 days!