View Full Version : Specific Heat - Goats Milk

26-02-2012, 09:41 AM
hey guys, long time no see!

I'm trying to track down the specifc heat of goats milk in KJ/KG K if anyone knows what it is, got to size a cool room to store 2000kg at 1'c.

I only found one mention on a search of 3018KJ/KG K in an article, does that sound right to any goat dairy guys out there?


monkey spanners
26-02-2012, 11:56 AM
Think whole cows milk is 3.77KJ/KG and for skimmed its 4KJ/KG so would think its around those two figures.


I tend to give all the figures to the tech guy at the wholesalers and get them to size it and recommend a suitable evap and cond unit combination.

26-02-2012, 10:59 PM
Data here.....
