View Full Version : ciat chiller

02-02-2012, 03:47 AM
had a fault yesterday on a 2008 ciat chiller LX2500X-HPS and the fault description was desuperheating? any ideas

02-02-2012, 10:09 AM
not a clue try Ciat technical, 01883621015

02-02-2012, 05:59 PM
Andy, that means that difference betveen discharge T and condensing T less then 20K. (P56)

02-02-2012, 07:36 PM
Thanks for advising us on that Alex.
No points this time Alex (STL applies!)
So basically there is not enough heat in the system. Or as some of us have discussed at length what we called "Too much sub-cooling".
Which as some of the purists will tell you cannot exist.

May I ask is your chiller being asked to operate in low ambient conditions.
Only I have several sites where the load is always present irrespective of the ambient temperatures.

I have actually seen a chiller working to cool a chilled water circuit in a building despite an ambient of -4c and a setpoint of 6c.

When chillers are used at these low ambients they can be being asked to operate well below their minimum design temps.
Reducing the number of operational condenser fans is one option and or blanking off part of the condenser coil is another.

Just a thought and the above may be irrelevant to your issues?

03-02-2012, 07:19 PM
Andy, first of all check superheat on economizer. Close it's txv. If it doesnt help disconnect solenoid valve. But maybe it is just low suction superheat...

04-02-2012, 07:09 PM
cheers for the replys. its only happened recentley in the cold weather