View Full Version : Climatic design information?

29-11-2011, 10:24 AM
Hello everyone, i am new on this forum. I would like to ask you about climatic design information on ASHRAE 2009 handbook, i look for Izmir/Turkey dry bulb temp is 37C and mean coincident wet bulb temp is 20,9C. When i look at the psychrometric chart with these values the relative humidity is %23,2 and this is too low for Izmir/Turkey. May be i should not take the value of mean coincident wet bulb temp instead of wet bulb temp. Could you help me? Do you have any other documents for climatic design information?

Best regards

29-11-2011, 10:34 AM
You can get all the info you need here :www.dmi.gov.tr
I am sure that they keep records of all the data you need.

29-11-2011, 11:03 AM
Thank you for quick reply, do you know the difference between mean coincident wet bulb and wet bulb on ashrae standart

29-11-2011, 04:59 PM
Mean Coincident WBT are the average of the indicated WBT occurring concurrently with the corresponding dry bulb temperature (DBT). Hope this clarifies the point.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_mean_coincident_wet_bulb_temperature#ixzz1f7BwhdFY

30-11-2011, 08:45 AM
Thank You chemi-cool:)