View Full Version : sizing evaporator to condensing unit

23-06-2011, 03:32 PM
Suppose we have a condensing unit (7 tons -20F) independently of others parameters (load, humidity, distance, superheat …) what is the evaporator for this condensing unit at -20F?
Thanks in advance

24-06-2011, 06:33 AM
You say independent: load, humidity, SH ... ARE some of the inside cold room parameters you need to calculate you evaporator. They are the determining parameters to calculate the evaporator.
If your compressor can pump 20T at a pressure corresponding to -20°F, how big then must your evaporator be you think? The compressor is getting these 20T from somewhere, so...

24-06-2011, 03:12 PM
I think the evaporator must match the condensing unit i.e 20T at -20F also