View Full Version : brine tank calculation

26-10-2010, 03:24 AM
could anyone help us with the brine tank calculations? formulas and samples? we are conducting our thesis and we need how to compute the volume of the brine needed to convert a certain mass of water into ice. thanks..

21-11-2010, 05:55 PM
Hi there,
i am not sure that i understand the question...do you mean the volume of brine that should be sufficient to freeze some amount of water? Or you meant something else..Try to post some schematic view of what you want and i will try to help you

07-01-2011, 03:12 PM
you understood it right.. can you helpl me? or how do you design a brine tank? calculations? formulas? samples pls.. thanks..

08-01-2011, 08:29 AM
I am on holiday up to next week and my scripts are at my work place..If that is not to late i will give you the formula next week

12-01-2011, 07:51 PM
Q ∆ϑ = Usable heat quantity for charge or discharge process in [kJ] or [kWh], dependent on the temperature difference ∆ϑ between tank supply and return
V St = Tank capacity in [Liter]
ρ = Density of the heat carrying medium [kg/l] p = Specifi
c heat capacity of the heat carrying medium, kJ/(kg*K)
η = Level of tank utilization [-], at maximum capacity η=0.9
∆ϑ = Difference between tank supply and return temperature

Q∆ϑ = VSt ρ cp η ∆ϑ [kJ]

and from this you can easily find the tank volume.
Use sum of latent and sensible heat.