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View Full Version : Current R-12 distributor price?

27-06-2005, 08:08 AM
What is the average going rate per pound of virgin R-12 in the US?
Mechanics often charge over $60/pound, but I think they have a nice 100+%markup

27-06-2005, 10:40 AM
In the "old" continent of Europe we dont know the current price because it is banned and oooohhh we are so law abiding and good citizens here!! and we care about that blue yonder above us, and fear our shore lines being waterlogged...............

Since its a blacklisted product agencies like FBI, Customs and Excise, Dept of Environment , might be better sources of information on current trends,prices, practices and availability, routes to market and the villians, ( ooops) the importers, distributors!!!

I dont have their numbers at hand, try your yellow pages .

Sorry couldnt help much......


27-06-2005, 05:28 PM
$150 per 30lbs +17%vat.

Howc much do you want? I think its Chinese.

Chemi :)

27-06-2005, 06:40 PM
In the "old" continent of Europe we dont know the current price because it is banned and oooohhh we are so law abiding and good citizens here!! and we care about that blue yonder above us, and fear our shore lines being waterlogged...............

Since its a blacklisted product agencies like FBI, Customs and Excise, Dept of Environment , might be better sources of information on current trends,prices, practices and availability, routes to market and the villians, ( ooops) the importers, distributors!!!

I dont have their numbers at hand, try your yellow pages .

Sorry couldnt help much......


In India it is banned from 2010 .so till that time it will be available to service industry , At present full cyclinder of 75 KG is costing Rs 465/- per KG and if only
10 KG a person takes it will cost Rs 550/-per KG including tax. at present one US$ is47/-rupees (Rs).

beni joseph. :

28-06-2005, 09:23 AM
Ok guys, its smug when the world is riddled with differing legislation and rules, its what makes us a big happy family.

So all this Montreal thing meant crap I suppose ???

Im only jealous cos I still mourn the passing of my beloved R12 !!!

Big tear drops!!! :)

22-09-2005, 02:40 AM
Next year, most R12 production lines will be shut down in China.
It can be expected that there will be no R12 production in China in 2007.

22-09-2005, 01:56 PM
HI Guys.
Did you know after Cocaine refrigerant gas is the biggest illegal import into the US,
Don't know about you guys but it tends to give me brainfreeze when i snort it.

Richard Towns
27-10-2005, 11:38 AM
From country to country , Who knows what is legal or not !
Last I heard R12 is about $100 a kilogram in Australia...if you can get it. Who needs it anyway ?

27-10-2005, 02:00 PM
Hi Richard,

Music to my ears those stories,

R-12 is still widely used and so is R-502.
They are made if the far east constantly,
Now that the hole in the ozone layer is closing......... who knows, we might just get it back.....

Just dreaming.


05-03-2006, 02:56 AM
R-12 in north america is no becoming rather worthless. Any unit car etc.. that was worth converting was, everything else is junk never made it this far. 1993 was the last year for CFC's in Canada. Transport used r-12, r-500, r-502, which have either been converted or dead. every once and a while i still see one that has r-12, but its rare. The price of r-12 when it was new was only dollars a pound. You can't leagally sell to anyone here because its illegal. If we get caught topping on up or putting r-12 back into a unit its a 50000 dollar fine and i loose my license, as well as the company getting a half million dollar fine. We have jugs and jugs of r-500 that will never be used, and a guy can't sell it. For now it makes an excellant refrig. for my old 1990 CRX a/c ssytem. Its too bad, i hate r-404a, 4-401b, r-134a....CFC's please!

John Wood
08-07-2006, 01:02 AM
I love the fact that you call refrigerant cylinders "jugs". But then I love jugs.

US Iceman
08-07-2006, 01:39 AM
The price of r-12 when it was new was only dollars a pound. You can't legally sell to anyone here because its illegal.

I have heard that illegal trade in R-12 has a higher market value than illegal drugs.

Has anyone heard of a R-12 seizure? It would be interesting to read about.

26-07-2006, 05:38 PM
What I think is really priceless about this whole thing is that we have to get rid of perfectly good refrigerants and get replacements that can contribute to global warming, have glides which if a leak should occur we have to totally recharge the system to get the efficiency back and you can still go to you local auto parts store and get Chlorinated Brake Cleaner and electrical parts cleaner by the case with no licence.:confused:

If we were just to have the legislation we do now and have the certification and licences required to work on equipment we could have kept those refrigerants.

In reality how much chlorine is release from a properly maintiained refrigeration system compared to a saturday afternoon mechanic blasting the heck out of everything with Brake Clean.

Sorry about that outburst, just venting:rolleyes: .

tarcau mihai
26-07-2006, 06:02 PM
here in romania is like 150usd per 13.6 kg...i don't know if can help you anyway..

The MG Pony
26-07-2006, 08:00 PM
it isn't the fact chlorine is in the substance but how it is transported to the upper atmosphere. If the US had don what Canada had (No schooling, no Apprentice = No gas) then yes there wouldn't have been a problem, but sadly even amongst the educated there are idiots who will sit there and dump various gasses into a bucket to freeze things or similar type of idiocy. With all the laws to protect the idiots from blowing them selves up now they need to make laws to stop same idiots from killing the environment!

as my saying goes: Your rights are limited to the stupidest person on your block

Johnny Rod
27-07-2006, 11:53 AM
It's true that refrigeration has been hit by the legislation although it was things like propellants, silicon chip manufacturers etc. who were responsible for the bulk of CFC emissions. However, most large systems (multi tonne charge) I have come across leak significantly. When they tighten up on this sort of thing here, there will be a lot of people with big headaches over leakage rates.

I like your saying, MG

The MG Pony
27-07-2006, 06:56 PM
Ty it is rather depressing becuase of how true it is and when you watch what people do it isn't all that reassuring. soon shoe laces will be banned next time some moron refuses to tie them and trips infront of a train!