View Full Version : Over condensing under condensing

23-09-2009, 06:59 PM
Hello all

Can anyone help, I'm still new to all this and some of you veterans my find this a bit of a silly question ? Basically can a blocked condenser cause under condensing which in turn may cause a liquid line sight glass to flash ? I know a sight glass should have a full column of liquid but if the condenser is under condensing surely it is not producing this ? or do I need to rethink all the things I have learned about refrigeration

25-09-2009, 08:02 AM
In large system it can happen. How? In large system we have condenser – Receiver and Equalizing pipe between them and return liquid from condenser to receiver .
Equalizing pipe is very important. Why during winter and summer we have to adjust it .
In winter we open it a little. it give us to equal pressure between Condenser and Receiver and liquid can stay in condenser, So our cooling capacity comes down , So our pressure in condenser goes up ((for good
Randomize in system and defrost))
So If in your system the direction of gas in condenser and also slope of condenser and receiver were not right it might can happen. (Liquid inside pipe block the pipe )
During start time if receiver temperature is higher than condenser also it can happen.
In my experience (more than 30 years in large systems) I saw it may be 4 times and normally happened when you start system with high capacity of your compressor in starting time

25-09-2009, 08:06 AM
If you give me your E-mail I can mail it Drowning of that to help you to good understand .

25-09-2009, 08:08 AM
also slope of pipe in condenser and slop of pipe between condenser and receiver