View Full Version : kwhr versus deg celsius

18-08-2009, 10:15 AM
New to this site and forum, but can anyone help me please.

How much energy (in kwhr) will I need to change 1 deg celsius (up or down) from any refererence temperature and any reference room size.

say: the room size is w=6m, l=5m, h=2.5m initial room temperature 24deg celsius, wall concrete plaster, outside temp 31deg celsius; question= how much kwhr will I need to reduce or increase the room temperature by 1 deg celsius.

18-08-2009, 02:37 PM
Hi Mr. Trichocereus Pachanoi MP
You would not require any kWhr to increase the temp as it will do this naturally. How thick is the wall and we must assume you would like to do this in 1 hour? Should we also assume you will be starting at 50%RH with no windows or air infiltration?

19-08-2009, 10:09 AM
Hello Tesla, thanks for the reply, but I am sure you are missing the point, my question was "How much energy (in kwhr) will I need to change 1 deg celsius (up or down) from any refererence temperature and any reference room size." and with the following assumptions on the next paragraph.

19-08-2009, 02:13 PM
You need to know u value (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-value_%28insulation%29#U-value) of your walls (floor,ceiling, window etc....) . Than you should calculate overall heat transfer by multiplying each wall (floor,ceiling, window etc....) area with corresponding u value of that part and than sum all that. Since u value is given by kW/m^2K, you got your heat/cool energy for change of 1°C.