View Full Version : -80 Freezer reclaiming

23-11-2008, 04:49 PM
I need to blow the charge on a multi refrigerant freezer.
Is there a supplier of refrigerant containment bags?
The system has ethane 134a and 2 others.
I am rusty on my refrigeration.
Need a little help.

23-11-2008, 09:54 PM
I was just sitting here thinking why has no-one answered this one??

Forget about looking for containment bags(if there is such a thing)and go with the much cheaper option of balloons or milk cartons that will probably get you banged up.

Maybe supplement a hacksaw for a reclaim machine,but maybe you have thought of that already:p:p.

Luv ya.

23-11-2008, 10:09 PM
i think that you should use a reclaim if you don't want a fine or your children to have a future.

24-11-2008, 02:23 AM
If you discard the ozone damage effects, these gasses are still dangerous compounds, may cause dry drowning and when burned, they turn to nerve gas among other things.