View Full Version : Definition for cooler selection

16-09-2008, 07:56 AM

please, I'd like to understand better a definition I have found in a Bohn technical sheet.
I find the definition of "room temperature" as air reference temperature.

Is it the air inlet temperature in the coil or is it something different ?


US Iceman
16-09-2008, 02:12 PM
You can assume the room temperature and the temperature of the air entering the coil to be the same (unless cold air short circuits from another coil).

17-09-2008, 09:41 PM
Usually the room temperature and the air temperature coil are the same. This is not always the same as the air entering the coil could be from a different area or have an element of another air stream such as a fresh air supply.
Most manufacturers of room air con will use the room temperature as the referance as the end user will understand the refeance