View Full Version : E2V EEV from Carel in hotgas Defrost

06-09-2008, 02:25 PM
Does someone know if the E2V fully opens or fully closes when starting a hotgas defrost?
Can't find it in their manuals.
If it closes, then it acts as a SV.
If it opens, then it acts as a NRV and we don't have to install a NRV.

06-09-2008, 04:38 PM
Hi Peter.

I would think that it would be the same principle as the danfoss AKV, you need an nrv because the eev will be open 100% to get the flow of hotgas back into the liquid line.

06-09-2008, 05:42 PM
If the AKV is fully open, why then you need an NRV?
Is a schematic of this somewhere available?

06-09-2008, 06:51 PM
Yes my cabinets using AKV`s all have nrv`s but they can be set to have the valves open or shut on defrost(people like fiddling with settings so they are all over the place).

The carel version looks like a more complicated version of the Danfoss,and like you i have just read through all of their literature,and cannot find anything usefull,or hot gas schematics.

If carel have any sense,then they would have parameters to let people set the valve to do what they want.

I have been of no help again:)so i shall slink off.