View Full Version : r134a question, calculating heat lost by refrigerant

03-01-2008, 08:19 PM
Hi all im new to this forum, so please excuse me if this is a newbie question. I have been at this for hours, basically I have a question, I know the correct formula to use, but dont know how to apply it. here goes:

in an R134a refrigeration plant, the refrigerant leaves the compressor at a pressure of 8.87 bar and at a temperature of 45c.if the mass flow of the refrigerant is 10.2kg/min, and the mass flow of condenser cooling water is 43kg/min, find:

i) the heat lost by the refrigerant in the condenser

now i know I have to use the formula

mass flow rate of refrigerant x (h2 - h3)

I begin by making a basic table of properties as below , but im not sure where to go from here.

any help to pointin me in the right direction would be helpful

thanks all